No class out there is gifted by a streaming of perticularly insightful/talented players into it, as much as some of us would like to think, wishfully or otherwise.
Every class is gifted by a few fine gamers, a lot of folks lacking the mental werewithal of playing a class skillfully and even more people of the abject lack of a learning curve and their complete ignorence of that fact.
Every class.
So before one creates YET ANOTHER thread on Monks/Warriors/Necros/Rangers/Mesmers/Eles/The postman bitten by their dog because he's not quick witted enough, remind yourself of the above.
No matter how relevent your words may be, the people who would understand a good opinion have the brains to work and already have worked the finer mechanics of their class. The ones who are idiotic enough to not use their heads to work out the scores of details of that class won't understand the 5 broader points of your short little rant/speech itself.
It doesn't take a class in quantum physics to use common sense, to know your group role and skill set and implement it with a certain intrinsic efficiency. But if one don't have basic cognitive abilities, then one will not understand sense if it's etched out from him on every rock and boulder in the game...and in these forums.
Your target audience is a bunch of opinionated, intelligent (if sometimes negative in their verbal brilliance...but intelligent nonetheless), notably sharp group of people who take the time to read opinions on a forum. The technically inept in the finer arts of gaming never read relevent posts. Because if they did, they wouldnt be suffering from a mental hamstring which can comfortably be equated to a arsenic-poisoned piece of coral.
Stop the profession-specific rants as far as morons in-game go. It's an exercise in verbal futility of a Socratic order.
Appreciate those gamers made of the finer stuff when you come across them.
"Hey good work man. Thanks for watching my back."
"Nice job mate. Good to have ya fighting with me."
"Good s*** bro. Hella job there. Kudos."
...these allways let those rare good ones know you appreciate their art as a fellow gamer who values good work himself. Tell off those morons who cant get their stuff together 'Cause they arent reading these forums, Mac.
The last word ever on profession-specific rants/advice/etc by others