Mystery - 4 Platinum bars?
I got to Post-Searing Ascalon last night and something happened in the journey between pre and post that gained me 4 bars of platinum. I have no recollection of how I got it and I'm really curious. I did sell Yellow and Black dye right after getting there, but didn't think that black was worth quite that much. I remember getting all 4 bars at once, but for the life of me, I can't remember from where. Is there an early quest right after you 'go Post' that gains you 4 bars? Or do you gain something like that during the Academy fight? Did Tydus give them to me? Help, I feel like I've lost my mind.
Kuku Monk
Nope none of that... did u sell the black dye?
I did. I realize now, that I shouldn't have, but I sold it to a dye trader. I don't remember if that's where I got the platinum.
Kuku Monk
Yeah that would've pulled 3-5k from trader depending on time of day and what not.
Wow! That's nuts.
Thanks for clearing that up for me. I can concentrate on work once again.
Thanks for clearing that up for me. I can concentrate on work once again.