Help on my Doppelganger?
bringer di morte
I'm a N/W 20 looking to beat my Doppelganger. Only problem is...He's hard. What skills should I bring and what attrib would help?
doppelganger uses a bow or axe
just bring only sword or hammer skills
just bring only sword or hammer skills
equip sacraficing skills and frenzy.
My necro mirror took some time to figure out. Here is what I did and it worked...
Curses...crank it to 12. Other skills...dont matter.
In you skill bar place these skills in this order...starting in the #1 (left most) slot:
Blood Ritual
Blood of the Master
Defile Flesh
Insidious Parasite.
Do not equip any weapon! Tun up close to your mirror (the bow does more damage than melee) and cast insidious parasite only.
And pray...if you go in for that sort of thing.
Curses...crank it to 12. Other skills...dont matter.
In you skill bar place these skills in this order...starting in the #1 (left most) slot:
Blood Ritual
Blood of the Master
Defile Flesh
Insidious Parasite.
Do not equip any weapon! Tun up close to your mirror (the bow does more damage than melee) and cast insidious parasite only.
And pray...if you go in for that sort of thing.

Just do sacraficing and smite there is no hoping involved.
Why do people try to make these things so difficult
Why do people try to make these things so difficult

Ah frenzy... what a good self destructive skill. Equip that with useless life sacrifice and your mirror'll be down, fast.
My nec/war did it easily by having several sacrifice life spells on my bar which i never enchanment i never used. Strip enchanment and vamp gaze and touch were only spells/skills i used. It was kinda close but still worked for me 10 times in a row. Best bet is to take at least 4 skills that will be useless or harmful to your doppleganger , for example take death nova as an wont ever need to use it for this mission but the doppleganger will use it less attack it deals to while you keep putting in the damage...this also gives you an extra heal with strip enchantment to help keep you ahead on health. My spec was full blood and full sword though i didnt take any sword skills with me.
if you can kill him easily, try and kill him within 50 seconds i heard u can get 54,000xp if u do this
Mistress Eyahl
Am I the only one who found theirs really easy? He was down before I sort of knew what happened.
Huh...... I sort of killed him awhile ago using only 2 spells, Meteor Shower and Fire Storm (As an E/Me, didn't use Arcane Echo). I was sort of disappointed since everyone I had talked to made it sound difficult....
If you kill him within the 50 seconds wich iv done you get the bonus which 51,000exp not 54,000.