Shards and Ectros A Scam?
How many shards and Ectros do I need for 15k fissure armor for W/Mo or W/Nec?
I think the general number is 105 each for the complete set. And yes, it's a pain. I can't even get enough money for 30 of each for the pants.
you need ectro for warior armor?
Do you mean "ecto" as in ectoplasm? Also, how come the title of your thread asks if shards and [ectos] are "a scam"? What's the scam?
salja Wachi
lol they are not a scam howver they either take a lot of time to get yourself or a lot of gold to buy them from people that have gotten them

120 globs AND 120 shards
45 chest
30 legs
15 head
15 hands
15 boots
45 chest
30 legs
15 head
15 hands
15 boots