A New Player Guide Sticky?



Join Date: Mar 2005

The Joint :p

It has been suggested that a thread be made for feeback, so, here it is...

A "Complex Concept" of the "sticky Sticky New Player Quick Guide"

-Spooky gives them a good "talking too" regarding being new to GuildWars and Being new to this site.

blah blahblah blah (But far more eloquently done) blah blahblahblah blah etc. etc. blahblah Blah! and youre guinea pig is a giraffe....(oops had the abra cadabra rythm going and got side tracked)

-Followed by links to...

The New Player Guide in the main site

Questions and Answers about Forums Our Policy is Your Guide

Typical New GuildWars Player Questions
(Maybe 6 threads as compiled by the staff here to best inform quickly and in the manner this site would prefer threads and posts made).

Additional New Player Questions for Players From Traditional MMORPGs
(Maybe 3 or 4 threads that best address the Level 20 cap questions, how people compare the maps, leveling, and threads revealing the skills vs time played = more fun for the player--and the players say so!)

May we suggest this starter guide to help you build a good solid character...

-A quick...

"Thank you for coming to this site and hoping the above links were helpful. We look forward to this site being a friend and guide throughout your GuildWars experience. Whatever you do have fun!"

If there were something, anything similar to what I have laid out above I and likely many others would without question believe this site has a future as long as the game's planned existence. It just seems with the English Language Post, the 5 strikes rule, and basic FAQ there needs to be something that a new person coming to this site would see and almost be compelled to check out BEFORE getting into the forums, something that directs them to the things they need to know. And you admins know I am only speaking from experience (as someone new to your forums) to tell you this would be a very nice addition to the forums with the onslaught of new players expected (and well hoped for).

Please just think about it how this way too, the first link can take them to the main site, many (of course I am not talking about myself, never! ) don't check out the main site, and don't mentally connect it to these forums. Thus carrying by post their "idiot" hat proudly into the fray of any moment out of the adrenaline rush in seeing there is so much, so many people who are into the game already while something from a post that moves them during this period of adenal "Wow I am not alone!" transpires co-indentally. The New Player post to walk them through some things feeds their WOW but creates a nice time gap for a level of settling, level of realization they have alot to learn.

Sure not everyone will read it, however if any do, they will have a way link that doesn't move to tell others to go look at. This happens already in posts, current members have to search out the old reference many times, usually to politely and courteously help someone new to the forum (and obviously the game) realize the redundancy of their post.

Recent Exemplars
Post 6 and 7 at this thread is a perfect illustration of why we need something like decribed above, note that the record 6 Poster, Applicable, isn't the one that started the thread....And another example.

In the event there is any offence, none was intended. I apologize in advance should such occur.

*Edit* Please oh please post some feedback!. 104 times this thread was viewed as of this edit with only 5 posts 3 of which are mine



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2005


Crimson ScS


this would be a great idea, so that even if the new person does happen to post before reading the stickys (which we all know they will ) it would help to get all of there begning questions out of the way.



Before all else, be armed.

Join Date: Dec 2004


It's a good idea. We fully intend on educating new members with such threads, however our dilemma is not in terms of the sort of content that deserves to be displayed.. but rather of an effective method of delivery. Peculiarly, the vast majority of new members do not read our stickies.



Join Date: Mar 2005

The Joint :p

Maybe they would if they weren't so hodgpodge and so many! 10 right now in Q & A making looking through the threads a pain.



Before all else, be armed.

Join Date: Dec 2004


I believe the rate of viewing increases as more stickies are added, as they have to read something

People avoid stickies like the plague, regardless of the quantity. I'm going to try to add a few links to the end-of-registration page. It may help.



Join Date: Mar 2005

The Joint :p

Please just try puttin this together and get rid of about 6 stickies by the normal consolidations, especially the closed ones. All we have to do is find a way for it to be at the top of the stickies with "New Player Guide" and "Come Here." I ask because it would appear, with how much volume could besiege this site, any deflection is helpful, but moreso, hopefully the ones that go and observe something designed to appeal to them will spread the link to those seeking similar knowledge. Catch em early enough and this spreads through the community well and becomes self-containment.

*Edit* Look, the largest common denominator of all these recent types of posts is being addressed in what I laid out. The reason it should work is it is targeting it's user rather than laying there hoping they'll find it under some generic name. The reason this is paramount when done with all the facets I have described is how it discharges the adrenalyn rush when used. The excitement I felt knowing I wasn't alone loving this game, as well as many others, is the primary largest contributor to these "challenging" posts. What i laid out may not be perfect by any means, however the structure is designed to pull them in, and that is what must be done if you want anything like this to work. I tend to think you all know this, but also that maybe you forgot or haven't really thought about it much lately. If you didn't well, now you do. We members will be far more supportive and more assisting if we are conditioned to do so versus told to do so. This his highly important in a market that is mainly teenagers who do not need reminders of authoritarian rule. I say that as it is their way of thinking at the time and not for any other purpose, it is merely a fact of their way of being. That is why it is so important to think out the appeal and flow aspects of what you guys do so deliberate and certainly.