My secret 2H weapon trick.
I dont know if everyone knows this or not but if you use a 2H weapon, you basically get a free inventory slot. If you like hording items like I do, use the most of your space! If you have no more room, just equip an offhand with your 2H weapon. Sure it wont take effect but it's a free slot ^_^
Ya, I do this with shields mainly so when I switch to my bow/staff/hammer I don't have to worry about which inventory slot my shield ended up goin to. My shield just stays put, and my sword/axe/wand just trades places with my bow/staff/hammer, and thus I know where all my items are.
but i've had items get deleted from that. has been a while though maybe they fixed it.
I always use staffs so I wouldnt have that problem of inventory.