crippling long sword of warding dmg +13 while health above 50,lengths crippled,armour +6 to elemental attacks its in gold text
hammer grip of trollslaying +10% dmg to trolls,fortitude health +20 300 each
bow grip of enchanting 10% enchantments last longer,bow grip of dense +4 armour 250 each
staff wrapping of dwarfslaying 11%,trollslaying 11% 100 each
Shadowbow max dmg 15-28 no mods clean 1.5k
Chaos axe 6-27 dmg no mods 3k
shadow shield armour 16 req 9 str 700 gold
my name in guildwars is the great lu bu.
im selling some things look at them
<- IGN Sword Pommel of Defense 150
whats ur name in guildwars
Gahni Jow, Im in district 1 Droknar