graphic problem???!!!



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2005

hi! Im totally new here, and I have problem. In this GuildWars event sth strage heppened: in some locations(new ones, like Lakeside country, Regent valley, Traveller'sVale) my game was stopped and vertical strips appears on my screen it happened few times...I have to restart my computer every time...
(my card is GeForce2Ti...maybe this is a problem..) I dont know what is happening, its my card or its a game?? can anybody help me???



Join Date: Feb 2005

Update directx and your vid card drivers?



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2005

yeah it was better yesterday, today at "frozen lands"...its horrible...but yes I've updated all drivers



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2005

Awoken Myth [MYTH]


The most possible cause is the lack of video memory, or the fragmentation of it.
Try setting your graphics settings lower.


Elite Guru

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by RedRose
hi! Im totally new here, and I have problem. In this GuildWars event sth strage heppened: in some locations(new ones, like Lakeside country, Regent valley, Traveller'sVale) my game was stopped and vertical strips appears on my screen it happened few times...I have to restart my computer every time...
(my card is GeForce2Ti...maybe this is a problem..) I dont know what is happening, its my card or its a game?? can anybody help me???
Depending on your system configuration, there are several thing which can be done to fix or improve your problem.

Download new Detenator Divers
Download and install DirectX 9.0c

You can also try disabling the application control in the advance settings for the card using the game profiler. Then set all of the settings in the game to low. From there change the settings higher step by step untill you have problems again. Once this happens use the last setting before the problem.

One more thing is to set the AGP Aperture Size to 1/4 your memory size (ie. if you have 256MB of RAM 1/4 the size is 64MB) This setting is found on your MainBoards BIOS.

Hope that helps U

VOD Katsumoto

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2005

The final system requirements have not yet been determined, but currently we have set the following as minimum system specifications for those involved in our Guild Wars Alpha Test:

Windows® XP/2000/ME/98
Intel Pentium® III 800 Mhz or equivalent
256 MB RAM
CD-ROM Drive
500 MB Available HDD Space
ATI Radeon 8500 or GeForce 3 or 4 MX Series Video Card with 32MB of VRAM
16-bit Sound Card
Internet connection
Keyboard and mouse
Recommended System Specs:

Windows® XP/2000/ME/98
Intel Pentium® III 1GHz or equivalent
512 MB RAM
CD-ROM Drive
500 MB Available HDD Space
ATI Radeon 9000 or GeForce 4 Ti Series Video Card with 64MB of VRAM
16-bit Sound Card
Internet connection
Keyboard and mouse

Your GF2 is a little outdated.



Champion of the Absurd

Join Date: Jan 2005

Spirits of War


It definately sounds like it's something having to do with your graphics card not being able to handle the game. It could easily be lack of memory on your card, causing it to not be able to store/load some textures that are needed to render the scene. If you contact the tech support for Guild Wars(, I'm sure they can tell you what exactly is causing it, but I'd wager that it's due to your video card being under the minimum requirements for the game.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2005

Awoken Myth [MYTH]


Originally Posted by VOD Katsumoto
ATI Radeon 8500 or GeForce 3 or 4 MX Series Video Card with 32MB of VRAM
Just FYI, GeForce 4 MX is not much better than GeForce 2 Ti.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2005


Yeah, the Ti's are better than they may soudn sometimes. But Does it support DX8?




Join Date: Feb 2005

I know I managed to play the game (albeit with terrible textures and lowest settings, but it was possible, and I fought 2 GvG matches on this system) on an aging Compaq that has... a 1.3 Ghz AMD Athlon, and... (this is the show-stopper) an ATI 128 Rage Fury Pro. (I believe it has a whopping 8MG's on it) and probably (I'd have to check on this) 512 MB of RAM.

It is possible to play like this, just that the game will look like the ugly end of a monkey. Needless to say, when the good computer opened up, I dived for it like a starving chipmunk attacking the last peanut on earth, but I just thought I'd let you all know that it is possible.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by IceD'Bear
Just FYI, GeForce 4 MX is not much better than GeForce 2 Ti.
yeah actually a geoforce 4 MX, what I have, is (basically) a GeoForce 2.
gotta love goofy marketing/naming :b

so actually in this thread I thought I didn't have enough (3 or 4) but ahh, they let the poor goofy geo 4 MX in so I still have hope lol

I had a problem early in the beta event when going right to 20 where the screen wigged out but then I went a lot of places and no problems


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by Xapti
Yeah, the Ti's are better than they may soudn sometimes. But Does it support DX8?
the GF4 MX does not support direct x 8.1/9 at all

it is basically a fast direct x 7 card same as the GF2

GF2 can be used but he graphics leave much to be desired



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2005

Canucklehead BC, Canada

Advanced Necro Undead Society

Originally Posted by Loviatar
(this is the show-stopper) an ATI 128 Rage Fury Pro
Hey if Uthar can do it on this I mean your 2Ti should be a jack rabbit comparatively. That was the best message on this thread Uthar. Well brought up.

If you want to get the most of your nVidia video card you can try this nifty trick ... overclock it ... you may get a bit better performance. By default it is not recommended to do so ... but hey we are all gamers so go to town. Pick up a March 2005 copy of PCWORLD or just read it at Chapters. It explains overclocking pages 76-78 for nVidia and ati radeon graphics cards.

The better your game .. the the more enjoyable my game!

Or of course the cruel yet very easy alternative, fork out the cash for a new video that your motherboard supports!


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2005

This was happening to me. Turns out I had a bum video card that kept overheating. Once I replaced it, I have had no more problems.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by Loviatar
the GF4 MX does not support direct x 8.1/9 at all
it is basically a fast direct x 7 card same as the GF2
GF2 can be used but he graphics leave much to be desired
I know it's old now, but it's hard to justify a card for $150 when you get a whole xbox for that actually it was quite fine with 8.1 stuff and although it's not using 9 goodies I'm on 9.0c now.

so knowing all that, anyone got any good suggestions for the next card while remaining on the cheap ($50 to less than $100, say?)



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2005

Canucklehead BC, Canada

Advanced Necro Undead Society

american ... canadian or euro ... hehe ... please don't say peso