Selling Purple Salvagables+Misc Stuff




Join Date: May 2005

Okay I've got 6 purple salvagables with armor ranging from 35-40. They're exe BPs because I know someone will ask.

[EDIT] Just got a gold one, 35 armor.

I've also got a gold Chakram
+9 ene
7 illusions req

and a purp bone staff
+10 ene
11-21 damage (level 12 death req)

Thats about it for now I'll probably be adding more later because I've got all day.

I know the market for purps and golds has probably dropped though I'm not sure how much. If I think I can make a bigger profit by IDing them and hoping for a rune that doesn't suck then I might end up doing that instead after I see how much is being offered.

This is more of an ongoing auction I'll end when no one else is interested in bidding because I'm going to keep adding to this thread.