im no noob
i am wondering how/where to redeem my faction-balthazar points

draknars forge is where i went its near the docks that you come in on i believe.
i was wondering if you actually need 1000 for to see the priest of balthazar or does he also show when you have less ?
You can see what they have no matter how much faction you have, and there is a priest in all the major cites. If theres two preists in one city, they can have different things, like in droknars froge, one has al ellite skills, the other has normal skills.
The Priest of Balthazar is always there, and I believe there is one in every major city (although I may be wrong on this one.)
The Priests always have [Priest of Balthazar] at the aned of their name, just like [Collector], [Merchant] etc (hold donw alt to spot them faster).
They are in all major cities - Ascalon City, Lion's Arch, Henge of Denravi, Amnoon Oasis and two in Droknar's Forge.
They are in all major cities - Ascalon City, Lion's Arch, Henge of Denravi, Amnoon Oasis and two in Droknar's Forge.
Fye Duron
There is also one in Yak's Bend
I believe there is one in Druids Outlook (outpost?).
im no noob
Thank You I Found Where To Get Them Redemed
I wish they could be used for RPing Chara's aswell as PvP ones.