Savage guild [SG]


Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2005



In a land not far away from Ascalon and Azeroth another war has just finished; the battle for Newerth. In Newerth two powerfull armies fought against each other: The Legion of Man and the Horde of Beast. But after exactly seven years of war they finally realised that not fighting each other, but fighting together was the best option to gain land. In the beginning there were ofc a little problems because two enemies now working together doesnt go as smoothly as a knifethrough warm butter. But after a while a more powerfull force rised upon the cooperation from the two powerfull armies. And this army was in need of blood.....

After we invaded Azeroth and succesfully conquered land, players and castles we are now looking for a bigger challenge: Lions Arch. Great welfare and lots of good new recruits for our army can be find there.

So are you looking for an uprising force, or a community with over 50 members then you are with us at the right place. Just knock on my door or write a little post in the forum. We dont need only heroes, we are also recruiting for talented players that want to learn the game by playing as a team and a few experienced players helping with the missions or quests.

Our address: Savage guild Website

with lots of love and hate,

gr. OzzO Le Duc
Founder of the Savage guild
Leader of the [Sg] GuildWars division



Sig Fairy

Join Date: Feb 2005

Once upon a time..

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