wich race should i be?


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2005

hi..i am planning to buy G.W...but i am wondering wich race i should pick...
wanna be somwhone who can take a beating, but expect the warrior...
was thinking on the rogue...or elementis(but i heard that they doesn't can take a lot of beating)...
any recommended?



Join Date: Feb 2005

I'm totally confused. Races? Rogue? what? The warrior is the tank

Devil's Dictionary

Devil's Dictionary

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2005

Presumed missing...


There are no races, there are no rogues... Are you sure it's GW you want to preorder ?


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2005

i didn't remembered it was called professions, and i din't remeber it was called an ranger....but i thought people wasn't THAT stupid that they didn't understand what i ment..but gues i was wrong...
are there any smart people in here that can tell me wich profession i should be?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by pimpen
i didn't remembered it was called professions, and i din't remeber it was called an ranger....but i thought people wasn't THAT stupid that they didn't understand what i ment..but gues i was wrong...
are there any smart people in here that can tell me wich profession i should be?
Just a thought, maybe if you conveyed your questions better so that people could understand what you were saying, then you might get an answer you like.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by Moon
Just a thought, maybe if you conveyed your questions better so that people could understand what you were saying, then you might get an answer you like.
Hi..im from norway...im not THAT good i english...so because im not so good in english, i try my best...and when people instead make fun of it..u can get a little irritated..agree? so if anybody is kind enough to answer me, i would apreciate that...


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by pimpen
Hi..im from norway...im not THAT good i english...so because im not so good in english, i try my best...and when people instead make fun of it..u can get a little irritated..agree? so if anybody is kind enough to answer me, i would apreciate that...
I'm not trying to insult your speech, or the way you type. But you asked a question about things that are not in this game that are in a different game. Someone pointed that out to you, and you called him an idiot and then asked if there was anyone smart enough to answer your original question.

Allow me to be the first to answer your question: No.

There is no recommended profession. Every profession has it's own strengths and weaknesses. Having said that; the developers have suggested that people start out playing a warrior. Warriors are fairly simple to get the hang of, and notoriously difficult to kill. The epitome of easy to learn impossible to master, they have quite a shallow learning curve especially for PvE leading them to being a great starter class for people new to the game.

I'm still hazy on what your actual question was, but hopefully that answers it.



Elite Guru

Join Date: Jan 2005

ok ok ok, calm down. We're all members of the guild wars family here.

First, you do need to word your posts a little more clearly. I'm not sure what you're asking.

I'm assuming your question is, what is the best profession for you to be. That's not really a question we can answer. I'll need a little more information before I can make any suggestions.

The best I can give you is to go read through our guides for all the professions, you'll not find a better set of guides on the net. They will explain everything you'll need to know about the professions.

Open Tractor

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2005

Well, elementalists have the weakest armor in game, warriors have the strongest. Rangers (or rogues) have the second strongest. Just going by base armor levels here...

A good bet, after you have read a few guides, is pick what you want to be and try it out. Then try out some others, it's easy to do

No one class is better than another.

Me? I STILL can't pick a class, heh, I like them all.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2005


Dunedain of the South


Being new to Guild Wars (this past weekend was my first time playing) I found that the Ranger/Warrior combinaton was a good first pick. You are able to attack from a distance with your bow and pet but are able to do some damage in a melee fight also. This worked for me and is just a suggestion.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2005

Cowville, CA.

The one thing I noticed is that hand 2 hand combat is easier than casting spells. But the mixes can be decieving. My primary char is a Necro/Mes let me tell you it's a hand full, but I love my char. I am able to suck the life from someone while causing pain. But don't think that's the key to my efforts. I have a bow, sword/shield, staff, & Trabuchet & Shield. Now do I use them all? YES I do all for different reasons. So if you want to mix and match remeber to think how much you want to put into your char.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

i found that as a warrior/anything i got my head handed to me

as a fire elementalisr/mesmer i started handing out heads


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2005

if u want a tank, then go for worrior. but then team it with some thing else. i ono what you like so, i think u should play with each build first then decide. i personally like mesmer/necro



Core Guru

Join Date: Feb 2005

Pimpen try making your first Character primary warrior and any other Secondary ...better armor....I love my War/Nec...But a Ranger might be able to take some abuse...Goodluck hun

by the way Pimpen great meeting you.