The targetting thing is great. Lets me know when someone's on something or when someone calls their res, etc.
Why though, can I not just click on someone and when I hit attack, I'll be automatically attacking whatever mob they're focused on?
A better way to assist than calling targets
You can hit "T" and do the exact same thing. That's even faster than clicking with the mouse .
No, I think he means to attack what an ally is targetting without the target being called. T only works when a target is called. I also want this feature. It's a lot easier for parties with many different sub-groups.
Originally Posted by Zelnox
No, I think he means to attack what an ally is targetting without the target being called. T only works when a target is called. I also want this feature. It's a lot easier for parties with many different sub-groups.
So with the warrior still targetted, if I cast an offensive spell, it would automatically be focused on whatever the warrior was attacking (we're forgetting about the whole calling targets in these examples, since it is not used for this purpose). This would be an auto-assist feature.
If I cast an offensive spell on someone who is locked onto a mob, then that spell will be cast upon that mob.
Targetting is great if you want to focus a group's firepower, but an autoassist would be even better:
"Everyone assist Jim Bob the Warrior". Thus, whatever JBtW was attacking, the team would attack, and if JBtW changed targets, the autoassist would be there to grab on for those who have JBtW targetted.
This would also help newbies who have no idea about the call targets feature (either how to call them or how to lock onto a called)