Pls gimme respond on the best skill in ur opinion
I think Wastrel's worry is great look at the cost and recharge cost!!!
Join Date: May 2005
02 Jul 2005 at 22:05 - 2
What a bunch of spam.
Ascalonian Squire
Join Date: Jul 2005
Dark Phantoms [DPG]
02 Jul 2005 at 22:06 - 3
lol, what kind of topic is this
Frost Gate Guardian
Join Date: Apr 2005
A Van Down by the River
Best Rapper Ever[DMX]
02 Jul 2005 at 22:24 - 4
heres the best skills of the game...1. Giant stomp(it has huge AoE and knocks everyone down) 2. Spectral Agony(has like no recharge time and if used in low level arenas its deadly ) 3. Crystal Hibernation (this owns) 4. Brutal Mauling (this does hella dmg in pre searing) 5.Break Charm (if a rangers trying to charm you use this and there owned)
thats all i got for now but those are the best my charector rocks!
.....there is no best skill it depends on the charector
Spam thread wooty should be closed
Sins FTW!
Join Date: Mar 2005
Angel Sharks [AS]
02 Jul 2005 at 22:29 - 5
There's already been discussion like this. Use the search feature.