Hill Giants
I know there are Hill Giants in the Sanctum Clay mission (6 at most), but is there anywhere that has tons of hill giants?
no one knows???
Alathys Tylderaan
I'm quite sure I've seen them somewhere else, but I just can't think where. It's in the same sort of vicinity as sanctum cay i know that.
Down around where the Villainy of Galrath quest ends, up to the northeast.
yeah i went down there, but there was only 2 ^^^^
does it have to be hill giants?
Arid Sea (in Crystal desert) has tons of sand giants
Arid Sea (in Crystal desert) has tons of sand giants
as far as i know, farming has been totally nerfed (correct me if im wrong), along with chest farming, so running all that way isnt worth it. Just go questing or do desert missions with people and pray for a drop i guess.
Riverside province has 10. And yes recently I havn't found any sup vigors on giants, so i'd give it up if I were you.
there are a bunch at the bottom of the Black Curtain (not just two, continue behind the path away from the Verrati disciples).
And there are a bunch of mountain giants about 1/4 the way down throuh Lornar's Pass.
And there are a bunch of mountain giants about 1/4 the way down throuh Lornar's Pass.
Frost giants don't drop sup runes, hill giants and gypsie ettin do.
Everything can drop superior, the chances might be different though
If you've had experience farming hill giants, you will have seen their unnatural sup drops. Killing dozens of, say, stone summit might yield you one gold armor. Killing 10 hill giants can give you 3.