I did the quest where we had to give the Scepter of Orr to the last Orrian guy, and then he summons a boat to get you off the island. But then he said something about aquiring the gift of true sight by "Ascending". Of course, after the cinematic I am put down at the tournament tomb area. Is this where I receive the gift of true sight? If you win a tournament, do you get to go farther in the storyline? Or is it just that they havent put the next mission in yet?
A few side questions also... Whats with the Dragons Liar in the back of the Tomb area? I cant ever go in it, it just loads me back up outside of it.
And if my guess is wrong about the tournament, what actually does happen when you win a one?
More Main Quests after Scepter of Orr?
Originally Posted by VonGimli
Or is it just that they havent put the next mission in yet?
Originally Posted by VonGimli
A few side questions also... Whats with the Dragons Liar in the back of the Tomb area? I cant ever go in it, it just loads me back up outside of it.