Disbanning Pets?
How do I disband my pet? I asked around and no one seemed to know, and one even told me it was a bug. What's up?

Devil's Dictionary
There are pet collectors.
Visit the ruins of Old Ascaron and you should meet one not far from the entrance.
Visit the ruins of Old Ascaron and you should meet one not far from the entrance.
Jarrel the Tamer can take your pets from you if you want to get rid of them. I know in ruined Ascalon, he's just outside the gate from Ascalon City- I believe there's a tamer right next to Master Ranger Nente in pre-searing Ascalon as well that you can use to change pets if you're still in that area.
VOD Katsumoto
Your best off to stick with one pet so they go up in level with you. I believe if you get a new pet he goes back to his starter level.
Originally Posted by VOD Katsumoto
Your best off to stick with one pet so they go up in level with you. I believe if you get a new pet he goes back to his starter level.