Hi !
Auction 3 days, ingame bids are allowed : General Solon Jhee.
Thx !
Two ALMOST PERFECT Sundering Bow String (9%)
Solon Jhee
500 each
1k (only want one of them)
10K Each (will buy both)
Majic Plicity
Majic Plicity
Danny Lohner
15k for one of them, Danny Lohner is my IGN. I will try to contact you in game as well. Thanks.
Solon Jhee
Solon Jhee
I'm terribly sorry for the bump but i need money real quick and i'm french (when i post here it's usually 5am for you so no one see my auctions).
Buyout is 30k or less.
Buyout is 30k or less.