My only thought how to get white dye is to mix:
Black + silver
But I'm not sure. Does white dye exist?
I'd appreciate serious answers.
Thanks in advance!
Anyone know how to get white dye?
Black+silver makes a lighter shade of black. If you use dye remover on an item you want white, it might turn white.
Hell Marauder
If it exists at all, it will be the rarest and most expensive dye ever.
Magick Catastroph
Ive found that mixing dye remover with dye has some odd effects.
I mixed a silver and dye remover together, the vial of mixed dye looked red, I put it on my knight armor and it siply made it a kinda draker blackish gold. Odd stuff.
I mixed a silver and dye remover together, the vial of mixed dye looked red, I put it on my knight armor and it siply made it a kinda draker blackish gold. Odd stuff.
They mix ? o_o
Yes they do to put it simply if you mix dye remover + any color you'll get the color it was BUT it will look like it was a transparent overlay on the original color of the armor, like mine was the sacred monk armor it was originally beigeish I mixed silver and dye remover and it looked like the original silver but with a slight hue of the original beige in it, sorry for no comparison pic i thought i had one but the silver by it self has more of a blue hue than with the dye remover. Also the tats were done with orange + dye remover:
Nothing beats resurrecting a 5 month old thread.
Originally Posted by Enigmatics
Black+silver makes a lighter shade of black. If you use dye remover on an item you want white, it might turn white.
Thread closed because of the existence of another.