The fear of the unfriendly forum site



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2005

I love how friendly this Forum has been, but as release gets more and more near I see a lot of new people joining and posting. I don't know how long it will be until the l33t people start to show up, (This "is" a competitve online rpg so I'm pretty sure we'll all see them pop up bashing at builds and the likes.) I used to be apart of the WoW forums, but I left after it became such a mess. Hmm... I'm sorry for my useless rambles, but its just something I hate to see happen to this forum. I only hope that this forum remains mature and friendly even when there are those types of people.

All in all excuse me for sounding corny, Yay Bwe is soon!!


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

Milton Keynes, UK

j00 4r3 G01ng D0 \/\/n!!

just joking i hope it doest get that way either



Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2005

Doom Brigade

Yeah, let's pray they don't find these forums.

However even if they do, the moderators here are awesome, and I doubt we will witness the kind of forum pollution that occurs elsewhere.

Jaythen Tyradel

Jaythen Tyradel

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2005

Seeing how strict (but in a good way) the mods and admin are about keeping the forum clean of repetitive posts and those who use "l33t" speak for all their english communication, I dont think this forum will have any major problems.

Sausaletus Rex

Sausaletus Rex

Death From Above

Join Date: Dec 2004

The Search button. It's a wonderful friend but it does get lonely from neglect...

Aslo, I'll add that if there's any thing that will make this forum "unfriendly" it's developin a sense that new members are unwelcome or somehow inferior to the ones we have now. Everyone's welcome to come and sign up and post here and they'll be held to the same standards as everyone before them.


Site Contributor

Join Date: Dec 2004

Our goal is only one thing: quality over quantity