I was just rummaging through my spare characters and I found this.
Start the bidding at 50k.
Minimum Bid incriment is 1k.
This is a sale to the first price I find reasonable and it will last until either:
a.) A price I agree with is offered.
b.) Someone buys it out.
c.) I recieve an IN GAME offer for more than the max offer on the forum.
I reserve the right to cancel this auction at any time. If you do not agree to the above terms, do not reply to this thread in an attempt to obtain the item. By posting an offer, you agree to these terms.
Current offer 65k (Savage Booga,In GAME).
Buy out 100k (I know it's high :-P).
Please post your IGN (Mine can be located to the left).
Edit: I'll be gone for a little Fourth of July excursion (a couple of days). Feel free to keep on offering and I'll get back to you guys as soon as possible.
5:1 Vampiric Bow String