ok i got this on my 50th run of thirsty river... lol >.<
no idea wut it does... not really
it says
your party gains 250%xp from combat
slayer's insight ends if your party fails to kill a boss in 5 mins
ok what i really wanna find out... is it a one time use? once u use it does it disappear?
and anyone knows wut is it worth?
scroll of slayer's insight? what do i do
yes its one time use , i think theres a scroll trasders in droknars. i sold a double XP one for about 2-4 plat
And how do you 'use' it?
double click it
Are the scolls even worth buying?

i would also like to know if scrolls are any good or usefull to buy
well i guess level 20 can use em to gain exp more rapidly to get more skill points
i had no use for mine , so i sold it
I have one of those too. I was planning on selling mine for about 1.5k. I really have no use for it either because I am lvl 20 and have plenty of skill points, so I was going to sell it to a lower lvl toon. He would have a lot more use out of it than I would. I just hate trying to sell it cause you get hits and they think it is a ankh or something and when they see it they are disappointed. I got mine off the last boss at thirsty river too. I wonder if that is just what he drops every once in a while. If so I better go start farming them like mad before someone else does...=p