Makes me sad to know Anet doesnt like our fun having
This was a really good farm spot till they nerfed
Makes me sad to know Anet doesnt like our fun having
Magick Catastroph
Im still searching for a good spot to farm. Maybe theres some place out there.

Moofoo Pork
everytime i hear a good place to farm, a-net throws an update out and nerfs it.... i'm really unlucky =(
Its not fair for those who truely need some money and just want to fully enjoy the experience of guild wars. They end up suffering the most from these "updates"
The undead Mesmer
a stupid question where is that? Scroundels rise maybe?
out east of beetletun. They filled it with tengu, yuk
yesterday i went through hell trying to get to beetletun, all the mobs of tengu have mesmers in them that strip my enchants

Magick Catastroph
It almost makes you scared to talk about places you farm now.. scared that a-net will see it and mess it up =[
theres still a spot out there but i dare not say where, a-net will **** it up
i also found a pretty decent place, but like how the beetletun area used to be. i also won't say jack squat about where this area is.