Originally Posted by Principa Discordia
Only to the non-observant.
Besides, how logical is it for 999 gold pieces to suddenly become 1 platinum piece with the addition of a single gold piece? This added a layer of confusion that wasn't required.
It's a convenience "feature" that had no reason to be added. It doesn't streamline anything and leads to mistakes like this. Is typing "32500" that much of a hassle vs. typing "32" into one field, and then typing "500" into another?
If you like the convenience of being able to single-click for 1000 gold (excuse me, 1 platinum), then why not just make a "1000 gold" button that adds to the running total.
And no, I've never been scammed so these aren't the bitter words of someone who lost their fortune in in-game money. I always double, triple check trades. It just always seemed like an unnecessary part of trading.