A while ago i heard someone say that a horn bow had 10% armor penetration built in. I was pretty sure he was wrong and it was just a rumor, but i want to know if anyone else can confirm anything, or if certain bows have certain stats that are already built in.
Again, im pretty sure that its not true, just want to find out
Types of Bows
Moofoo Pork
It isn't true. Bows' specs are rate of reload, arch of arrow at max distance, and range. There's a bow UPGRADE that gives a small chance of one of your shots having armor penetration.
I've heard the same from one of my guildies, Moofoo. Enigmatics, I wouldn't be so quick to deny the passive penetration stat, since it appears that nobody has tested the bows for innate properties. Horn bows have such bad refire rates, accuracy, and range that they should have some sort of redeeming property to make them viable - like, say, armor penetration?