Ignore would be great if at the same time as blocking whispers, it would also remove your ability to see their chat in any of the channels.
Why would I want to do this?
Basically, it gives me a filter if someone is spamming any of the channels. It would also allow me to block idiots completely from every entering my happy little world.
Ignore improvement (hiding chat from channels)
In one of my e-mail chats with a GM, I brought this up, so hopefully they are already working on this. The GM told me that the Ignore feature worked as you want it to, so after telling him it didn't, he said that they would look into it asap
In one of my e-mail chats with a GM, I brought this up, so hopefully they are already working on this. The GM told me that the Ignore feature worked as you want it to, so after telling him it didn't, he said that they would look into it asap
Iteicea Destroidium
I use my own ignore feature, I don't read it.
Sereng Amaranth
Originally Posted by johnnylange
I use my own ignore feature, I don't read it.
Seriously... I don't mind traders. I go to LA and Ascalon Dist 1 for the very reason to see if someone has something for sale that I want. But there's always 2-3 douche bags spamming the SAME item once a second with different ammounts of !!!!! at the end so they can bypass the spam filter.
Most likely, I don't want to do business with them anyway.
Jaythen Tyradel
simply not reading thier posts is simple enough, but when people keep spamming over and over, you can miss stuff from people you want to hear from (LFG, asking questions/answer to questions).
simply not reading thier posts is simple enough, but when people keep spamming over and over, you can miss stuff from people you want to hear from (LFG, asking questions/answer to questions).
Doesn't effect me much since I don't annoy anyone and I mostly ignore the chat menus anyway.
Doesn't effect me much since I don't annoy anyone and I mostly ignore the chat menus anyway.
But along with that i want a larger ignorelist!
Those few entries are just not enough for the large amount of morons in Guildwars.
But along with that i want a larger ignorelist!
Those few entries are just not enough for the large amount of morons in Guildwars.