Ok i reserve the right to withdraw this, will let the bidding go on until im happy or until i recieve an offer in game. Realistsic offers for this pls.
IGN Timo Claw - pm if you want to see.
Sheild: Armor 16 req: 8 tactics
health+42 Whilst Enchanted
+42 is high so expect to see high offers
WTS: Max Def. Gold Sheild +42 health
Calnaion Blackhawk
1k w00t
5k for it, btw wut kinda shield?
Sheild of the wing.. lol hawky bump, bump, bump
IGN Rota Ulave
IGN Rota Ulave
Gna end this real soon... 6k for a +42 health sheild...
Ishamael Sedai
there is a big difference between tactics shields and strength shields as far as prices go
Taran Craine
Agreed. If this were a strength shield it would be worth well over 50k, but tactics shields like this are much more common. A collector in lions arch has a shield that is +42hp in stance, and -2 received damage, req. 6 tactics...so you can see that a nice tactics shield is relatively easy to come by.
I was going to offer him a bit more ( in Game buyout ) but i guess he saw the prices on strenght Shields and deceided to hold out.
When is the auction going to end I have a couple others i'm interested in
and dont want to hang around waiting.
When is the auction going to end I have a couple others i'm interested in
and dont want to hang around waiting.
Gao the Nightmare
i got one with strength
Golden Writing Defender (shield)
Armour 16 (needs 11 strength) Max def Shield!!
Recieves dmg -2 while enchantet
Golden Writing Defender (shield)
Armour 16 (needs 11 strength) Max def Shield!!
Recieves dmg -2 while enchantet
and on that note il end it.. if you still want to buy pm me in game..
thought it was worth more as with my build i focus on tactics heavily rather than strength.. obviously you think not, fair enough.
thought it was worth more as with my build i focus on tactics heavily rather than strength.. obviously you think not, fair enough.