Rank 9 /rank
one of the sissy boys doing it... he also has fissure armor
I want a tiger.
Drakharran Zealot
How sexy.
The tiger, Not the guild name.
The tiger, Not the guild name.
Dark Splitter
wht is that?????????
Nice! I've been wanting to see that!
Dark Beast
I think I saw him doing that at the TotA, but it could have been a different ele. Nonetheless I still like the tiger, wish I could do it. :-/
Sir Aurik
that would be king rapiki!! one of the best ele's in the game....
Brother Mhenlo
OMG what is the highest rank i love that man and i havent talked to him, i just thought of an excelent idea for a thread...!!!!
WOW sweet!
now i wanna see the ones for all the other professions.
now i wanna see the ones for all the other professions.
Divine Elemental
Originally Posted by Etaisella
WOW sweet!
now i wanna see the ones for all the other professions. Its The Same
Rank=3 Deer
Rank=? Wolf
Rank=9 Tiger
All Profesions Have Same It is Rank That Matters
now i wanna see the ones for all the other professions. Its The Same
Rank=3 Deer
Rank=? Wolf
Rank=9 Tiger
All Profesions Have Same It is Rank That Matters
Calnaion Blackhawk
i got my fame wiped for no reason ;D
i managed to get 14 fame last night
i managed to get 14 fame last night
Wtf Is That?
Gods Ranger
how do u get rank in pvp?
Reiden Argrock
ya, one day, I may attempt to earn some fame, would help if my guild was a little bigger

Sir Aurik
u get rank by winning matches in the hall of heroes, every round u win u gain u fame point..
so you have to win Hall of Heroes, for 1 fame point?
Originally Posted by Divine Elemental
Its The Same
Rank=3 Deer
Rank=? Wolf
Rank=9 Tiger
All Profesions Have Same It is Rank That Matters K, that fire tiger thing looked sorta elementalistic to me.
Rank=3 Deer
Rank=? Wolf
Rank=9 Tiger
All Profesions Have Same It is Rank That Matters K, that fire tiger thing looked sorta elementalistic to me.
Gods Ranger
iv got 17 fame but no rank... :S
Sir Aurik
u dont gotta win the hall for rank u just gotta win 1 round = 1 fame point...
Actually not entirely correct. First win = 1 fame.
As you progress, it is somewhat linear. Which is why holding the HoH many times will yield you quite a bit of fame.
capped at 40.
As you progress, it is somewhat linear. Which is why holding the HoH many times will yield you quite a bit of fame.
capped at 40.
Ha, i suppsoe i should join the sissy boys then lol they're full now but I Sell Sigils P S T will prob invite me =D
i dont really think he will invite anyone that cannot play almost all professions, if you really want an invite, just play with them a lot and if they like you they will invite, thats how i guy i know got invited.
Brother Mhenlo
I talked to King Rapiki yesterday, real nice guy, we laughed and talked for about 20minutes, he said the sissy boys arent recruiting and that they seldomly add new ppl all the members have been ther a long time they consist of 4 rank 9's the leader is ranked 8???
Sir Aurik
ya ive talked to him before also and hes real cool to me, and rank isnt everything...
I'm 90 fame away from rank 9, we havent got any new people to rank 9 because of all the gvging latetly. But we proabbly have like 10 other members between rank 8 and 9
Sir Aurik
i have a question for anyone in sB. Everyone makes it seem like yall just invite random high ranked people in your guild, if say me or some other rank 2 played with with yall in the hoh would yall take in to consideration how we played as a team, or how good we were or would yall only invite them into your guild if they were a high rank?
is not the rank is the player. However we havetn recruit anyone in the las week.
hey i just got one question for y'all; How can u possibly go that far to get a 15k armor without getting bored of your character??? (i dont mean the fame and rank thingummywoot's...)

I think I've got a screen of a Korean player that I PvPed with doing /fame...they had a deer...
deer is almost pimp! we've never invited a high rank.... we took them there
Can I join?
Sir Aurik
y would u quit after getting 15k armor?? thats just dumb, i have 15k armor and im more hooked then before the 15k armor...
Originally Posted by Sir Aurik
y would u quit after getting 15k armor?? thats just dumb, i have 15k armor and im more hooked then before the 15k armor...
I didn't mean i have 15k armor... i just get bored before i get it :P..
what does this animal means ?they stronger or something or its epcial skill that only ranked players got?
warriors can have it too?
warriors can have it too?
It's to show their ferocity in the GvG battles that they have won, so the higher the /rank, the more "fierce" the fame spirit comes out from that account (multiple characters from same account has it, as fame seems to be kept from all characters).
There, she only did it twice, this was the second time and she was running around while doing it, so I almost missed it. Her name is slightly blocked by my weapons bar, but she is in a Korean guild. Awesomely good player.
so, the fame is capped at 40 or the rank is capped at 40 *reason i ask is because there was this one guy going around the tomb saying he has 665 fames and ranked 9; i forgot his name though.* ... anywho, you sissy boys guild are pretty good in HoH, pretty funny how it says : The Sissy Boys has won a battle in Halls of Heroes..." : aha. but hmm. those are cool, i always wonder what /rank does.
Originally Posted by Calibur
so, the fame is capped at 40 or the rank is capped at 40 *reason i ask is because there was this one guy going around the tomb saying he has 665 fames and ranked 9; i forgot his name though.* ... anywho, you sissy boys guild are pretty good in HoH, pretty funny how it says : The Sissy Boys has won a battle in Halls of Heroes..." : aha. but hmm. those are cool, i always wonder what /rank does.
The max amount of fame that you can get from one win in tombs is capped at 40. Ranks go up to 15 I believe. Also, someone with 665 fame would be rank 5 I think, possibly 4.
25 fame = rank 1
75 fame = rank 2
180 fame = rank 3 (3-5 = deer)
360 fame = rank 4
Not sure on numbers for the rest, I think it just doubles though. The Wolf, 6-8 rank, is really a small icon, and much less awe-inspiring than even the deer.
75 fame = rank 2
180 fame = rank 3 (3-5 = deer)
360 fame = rank 4
Not sure on numbers for the rest, I think it just doubles though. The Wolf, 6-8 rank, is really a small icon, and much less awe-inspiring than even the deer.