09 Jul 2005 at 23:47 - 31
Hm. Seems like the whole rogue thing needs to be looked at a bit more critically, as in: How does it fit in with the existing 6 classes? How does it add to the game?
First of all, the assassin thing sounds like a mish-mash of ranger and warrior. Maybe that's what a rogue is, but, well, look at rogues in D&D. They're not good melee attackers. They're utility characters. Now that would be a cool way to approach the rogue: as a sort of mesmer to the warrior's caster. Take out the high-damage output and instead replace it with disabling attacks (sort of a dedicated interrupter, both to casters and to melee fighters, but with the focus on melee disruption, to mirror the mesmer's focus on spellcasting disruption), trap springing (good idea, there's not much of a counterbalance to traps in place right now), dishing out conditions (which is where you could put damage if you wanted it, in high-damaging poison hexes or whatever, and in the ability to spread deep wounds and bleeding out very quickly), and then finally make their primary attribute either speed (maybe +X% movement and attack speed, where X = attribute points) or some kind of dexterity (same as above, except the X goes to a base dodge %).
The only thing, though, is that you can accomplish all of this with a R/W wielding an axe and using traps, or an N/W using hexes and disruption, or a W/E knockdown earth warrior. This isn't really adding anything new, it's just taking stuff that's there and packaging it in a new way.
This is all peripheral to what I see as one major weakness of the game: there isn't a lot of focus on melee combat. If you want damage, you get nukers. If you want interruption, you get mesmers. Monks heal. Rangers and necros are....rangers and necros. Then you have the warrior. Sure, sometimes you have N/W's and E/W's and Me/W's, but for the most part, if you want to do melee combat, you're a warrior. What we need is another kind of dimension added to melee combat in the game. Uh. As to what that dimension should consist of is something I'm still working on at the moment. One thing is for sure, though--there needs to be something done to give melee combatants another way of going about combating things like smiting monks, air elementalists, and trapping rangers (to just give some examples off the top of my head).