Best Characters!
God of Anarchy
Ok guys i figured it would be cool to make a thread about everyones favorite primary and secondary class,personally im going to use this to make a new character,i want to build a character i can have fun with and not really get bored of beacuse thats been my case for about a week now i have a two lvl 15(air ele/mesmer,ranger/monk)and a lvl 6 monk/warrior<pretty intresting mix,but im sure everyones build will be different but thats wut is gonna make it intresring,please leave ur favorite build...

Alright, well since I've started GW, I've only had one character.
My Warrior/Elementalist.
It's a primary knockdown-hammer/earth build that takes opponents out while they are on the floor. It's pretty fun because you have a choice between melee and spells (as long as you have the energy).
My Warrior/Elementalist.
It's a primary knockdown-hammer/earth build that takes opponents out while they are on the floor. It's pretty fun because you have a choice between melee and spells (as long as you have the energy).
Brother Mhenlo
the problem with using skills other then warrior skills for you w/anything else is they need like 10energy a shot and my warrior has only 20

God of Anarchy
i just started a mesmer,seems like its gonna trun out to be a inresting character,i like the whole energy degen/steal,targets enrgy but sucks life...i find it very effective
i usally have a monk as secondary i cant stand not being able to heal myself
hehe,but thats just me
i usally have a monk as secondary i cant stand not being able to heal myself
hehe,but thats just me
Well, my first character was a Mo/W, which I later changed to Mo/R. I like being a monk when I'm in a good group, but when I'm not I hate it. So... it's both my favorite and least favorite. It probably ties with my second character, my R/E. Being a ranger is great. My third favorite is my W/Mo. Cliche, but it's fun to play, I must admit.
Mo/Me used as a healer / protection monk. Fun with a good group or when there is a necro in the group.
R/N so much fun, so many choices from the necro side. Still exploring the build.
Future chars probable chars
El/N Elementalist to unlock the skills, necro because is so versatile.
R/Me probably to play interuption against mobs, is fun to see a foe unable to cast.
FYI All classes have some sort of self heal.
R/N so much fun, so many choices from the necro side. Still exploring the build.
Future chars probable chars
El/N Elementalist to unlock the skills, necro because is so versatile.
R/Me probably to play interuption against mobs, is fun to see a foe unable to cast.
FYI All classes have some sort of self heal.
My favorite so far is my Me/Mo.
I have a 20 Mo/R but will probably change her secondary to something else...not sure what but something.
I have a 20 Mo/R but will probably change her secondary to something else...not sure what but something.