with how this game has been shaping up, the very limited grind should be overcome in masses soon where tons of people are walking around with the best weapons and armor, all the skills unlocked and what not. So now what? We're supposed to live happily ever after playing PvP all day? Not only do i think that this in itself will get worn out quite soon, the added factors once PvP tactics mature where every team is running some wierd combo like 5 monks and 3 mesmers in boring 20 minute snooze matches will multiply the rate of lost of interest.
I hate to say it because I was one of the biggest supporters of the whole "skill over grind" theme but im realizing that games like this needs to keep the carrot over player's heads with a more long lasting fullfiling, and ever evolving journey to reach it. Simply giving us that carrot will leave us little motivation to keep with the game.
I wont go into the whole "unlock the lvl 20" argument but something needs to be innovated soon to satisfy those who wont be happy with PvP alone and compensate for eternal grind other games have to keep people sucked in.
prolly unfair to start something like this without no propositions so here's my sorry attempt:
-add some kind of side element that doesnt have to be anywhere connected to the main flow of the game and is interesting in itself.
oStolen from FF but something like a minigame to play with other players where people can find/trade better game pieces to play it better. Allow it to be played with more than 2 players. Along with this something else needs to be done to spice up the towns from being boring portals where ppl are just standing around outside.
oThe lvl20 cap is quite efficient in limiting grind, no use completely killing it by giving away the best weapons via easily obtainable collectors. Leave some more holy grails out there to give ppl the motive to try and get those weapons.
oModify the PvP to keep it fun and fast paced. With all the talk of skill most of the gameplay boils down to point and click. So there's even a greater challenge than online fps games to keep people wanting more.
getting tired so ill stop for now, i hope i got my point across
I don't buy that at all. GW's gameplay is very solid and will not die off fast. The only good reason for assuming that pvp will degenerate is that the most competitive/hardcore teams are leaving/have left the game due to the game being dramatically altered from what they were satisfied with before.
I don't know why you dismiss pvp as not being able to last long enough to keep people occupied or whatever. It doesn't seem to be a stupid accusation that pvp in gw takes little skill or whatever (we've seen enough of those idiots around here
). Only thing I can pinpoint is the rise in power of grief builds (the old stacking fertile season spam for example or ranger spirit spam as of now). I don't think that will be a problem, simply because it's boring as hell to play those builds as it is to fight them. Boring matches that take forever may be fun just for the sake of winning for a little while but that wears out very fast.
If you're just saying that pvp cannot keep a community/game alive (not sure but you really weren't specific), that's just soooo wrong. I've played starcraft for 7 years, and the hardcore competitive community on many levels is still alive and kicking. New strats get invented every year, new 'cool' techniques are pulled off often. The game simply doesn't get dry. While comparing starcraft to any other game out there in terms of competition/skill needed is honestly absurd given the situation in s. korea among other things, gw's pvp is still quite solid and I can definitely forsee the same thing happening as it did in sc.
As for those people who aren't satisfied playing pvp, too bad. It's their own fault they thought guildwars was just another mmonrpg without a monthly fee. The new content should keep most of these people busy for awhile and there is always the expansions. A sidenote: for all those people clamoring for more pve stuff, I'm very sure that nearly all of them have not gotten through all of the uw/fissure, which seems pretty silly with few exceptions.
I don't know why you dismiss pvp as not being able to last long enough to keep people occupied or whatever. It doesn't seem to be a stupid accusation that pvp in gw takes little skill or whatever (we've seen enough of those idiots around here

If you're just saying that pvp cannot keep a community/game alive (not sure but you really weren't specific), that's just soooo wrong. I've played starcraft for 7 years, and the hardcore competitive community on many levels is still alive and kicking. New strats get invented every year, new 'cool' techniques are pulled off often. The game simply doesn't get dry. While comparing starcraft to any other game out there in terms of competition/skill needed is honestly absurd given the situation in s. korea among other things, gw's pvp is still quite solid and I can definitely forsee the same thing happening as it did in sc.
As for those people who aren't satisfied playing pvp, too bad. It's their own fault they thought guildwars was just another mmonrpg without a monthly fee. The new content should keep most of these people busy for awhile and there is always the expansions. A sidenote: for all those people clamoring for more pve stuff, I'm very sure that nearly all of them have not gotten through all of the uw/fissure, which seems pretty silly with few exceptions.