LOL Check out the name of this boss
I am quite partial to the Devourer boss Flek Grokspit.

bringer di morte
The boss you have to kill in Ranger's Pass has the hardest name to pronounce I have ever seen. It's one of those mesmer things in the Crystal Desert, and the boss' name was obviously just a random jumble of letters.
I just found a mergoyle boss with the name Yerk Plopsquirt.
Izzy Izumi
Mr. Mxyzptlk would have been a great name for a Mesmer boss. =]
Go Superman!
Go Superman!
if u keep going North from droknars forge and wen u get to the char head North west, i found a boss called Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr , i forget his first name, but that was his second name
Night Daftshadow
yesterday i saw this boss and his name is Spindle Agonyvein
evrything is better then"crush kill" a stone elementall bos in the mission before yaks
Saridley Kronah
Cootle sizzlehorne.. I got a screeny of me killin his ass... And another hyrds boss with a funny name - Jewk Swem Pleg
Night Daftshadow
Originally Posted by Saridley Kronah
Cootle sizzlehorne.. I got a screeny of me killin his ass... And another hyrds boss with a funny name - Jewk Swem Pleg
lol, Cootle Sizzlehorne
Originally Posted by netniwk
evrything is better then"crush kill" a stone elementall bos in the mission before yaks
crush kill is my favorite boss in the game!!! how can you get more orginal than that!!! ARG!! I IS CRUSH KILL!! I WILL CRUSH KILL SMALL MEN!!
Night Daftshadow
i wonder how long it took them to come up with that name.
Programmer 1: "What should we name this stone boss?"
Programmer 2: "Hmmm, Crush Kill?"
1 Second Pause...
Programmer 1: "Alright. Crush Kill it is."
Programmer 1: "What should we name this stone boss?"
Programmer 2: "Hmmm, Crush Kill?"
1 Second Pause...
Programmer 1: "Alright. Crush Kill it is."
Saridley Kronah
On the way to droknars i saw something Brrrr too... I was like wtf and then i killed it :P
If only they put a boss including :Insert name of Celebrity here!:

Aegri Somnia
Trech Smoogie and Plunk Trudge, both crawling around at Diviner's Ascent.
Trech Smoogie and Plunk Trudge, both crawling around at Diviner's Ascent.
I like the Mountain Troll with Battle Rage - Krogg Shmush

Night Daftshadow
Boss I think at Great Northern Wall - Bonfaaz Burntfur
Two others I saw yesterday - Hepp Bilespitter and Pytt Spitespew
Two others I saw yesterday - Hepp Bilespitter and Pytt Spitespew
Originally Posted by Syncrosonix
during the aurora glade mission, cuthbert the chaste was on there. too bad he died a virgin.
Yea Cuthbert the Chaste is another favorite of mine. Him I like to kill just on general principle.
Chack Hack Schwack is awesome. So is Nail Klaw Toothen. Both are hydra bosses.
Personal Jesus
I liked the boss Cobble Poundstone in Old Ascalon
, annoying as hell when you find a boss with healing signet as a level 8 Necro soloing...

Midnight Scorpion
"Rock Fist" is best.
Chak Hack Schawack
Edit: I tried searching for the name, but there were no results. Turns out it was spelt incorrectly by the original poster.
Edit: I tried searching for the name, but there were no results. Turns out it was spelt incorrectly by the original poster.
hahaha....arenanet started to lack some real fantasy-sounding names I guess...Schawack? That makes me wonder what GW2 bosses will be named..
The undead Mesmer
Ownuz Noobuz?
moesus the j00; saw him in the crystal desert.
The undead Mesmer
or the Antinator?
Numa Pompilius
The trader in Ember light(? one of the ring of fire town anyway) camp: gnik ekaj.
(= Jake King backwards, presumably a dev)
(= Jake King backwards, presumably a dev)
I'm still fond of the collector somewhere in Kryta (I found him on my way to Fisherman's Haven from ToA)- "Galstaff the Light".

diagonal? very sneaky sis
Elementer Masta
nizza the sickle is the funniesst named boss
Collector in Fisherman's Haven is good. But Chak Hack Schawack is pure genius 
A chapter 2 boss named Lol Unoob Rofflecopterz would be rather pleasant to kill.

A chapter 2 boss named Lol Unoob Rofflecopterz would be rather pleasant to kill.
So I'm the only one who find Yakslapper funny?
I mean comeone! YAKSLAPPER!!
I mean comeone! YAKSLAPPER!!
Yakslapper is to funny... doubt I'm being pure of mind for laughing though

Hot Dead
I dont know if anyone posted this name but when I was doing the Galrath quest from LA, just after the black curtain, I saw a troll boss his name was HAMFIST
And those that speak hebrew may find this one funny Whuump Fuumbuul
(located in snake dance, sometimes replaced by warrior boss).
And those that speak hebrew may find this one funny Whuump Fuumbuul
(located in snake dance, sometimes replaced by warrior boss).
Salani Pippip is the big brother of Kekona Pippip. xD
The undead Mesmer
the grawl have from witmans folly have family in spearhead peak >.< its so funny when you see pippip but with another name in front of it.
onan the spiritles is kinda funny
onani = the swedish for masturbating
*dunno if i posted this before but ok*
onan the spiritles is kinda funny
onani = the swedish for masturbating
*dunno if i posted this before but ok*
Originally Posted by Dentenko
hahaha....arenanet started to lack some real fantasy-sounding names I guess...Schawack? That makes me wonder what GW2 bosses will be named..
yakslappera gain
Sister Rosette
Thunder Clap Spamxors
Warrior Of Morgoth
There actually is one in the Uunder World called Kiki The Terrible, i wet myself when i heard it, lvl 28 though but KIKI, i mean it's halarious!!!!!
Khyron the Dark
Originally Posted by Hot Dead
I saw a troll boss his name was HAMFIST
Wasn't he a troll decker from SNES's Shadowrun??

Sergio Leone
I got this when I was running a friend in the desert. It was mesmer Hydra.
Anyone got anything better?
Anyone got anything better?