Selling the following upgrades for cheap.
I just want to get rid of them, so offer whatever your willing to pay
Auction ends July 15th 12:00 Noon EST
1 - Sword Pommel +20 Health - 1K SOLD
2 - Sword Pommel +4 AL
3 - Axe Grip +4 AL
4 - Staff Wrapping + 21 Health
5 - Staff Wrapping + 20 Health
6 - Staff Wrapping +4 AL
7 - Staff Wrapping Enchantments last 10% Longer
8 - Hale Staff Head +10 Health
Minimum bids all start at 500 Gold
IGN: Ketch Too
WTS: Upgrades For Cheap
Chris the Motley
1k for the sword pommel or fortitude +20
adled catharisis (ign)
adled catharisis (ign)