I purchased the printed offline version of the prima guide for GW a few weeks back. Since then there have been lots of changes to the game and I was wondering if buying the offline guide gives me rights to access the updated online guide from prima? Or would I have to shell out another $15 for the eguide as well? (thats not likely to happen)
Anyone dealt with this? Thanks.
prima offline guide to online?
nope, you need to buy the online version to get the updates.
Bingley Joe
I think you can get a discount on the online version by submitting your UPC code or something, but that might only apply to updates..
And I don't believe they've updated it yet (could be wrong though)
And I don't believe they've updated it yet (could be wrong though)
Unfortunately I don't think there's any reliable way to make sure you actually bought the guide, rather than just went to the store and wrote down a serial code. So probably not a way to get the online version free :/
I checked the site and didnt see anything about a discount if you bought the hard copy. One reason I dont like the on line version is that it is more expensive. Original cost is cheaper but unless you like to Alt-tab out of the game you need to print out what you need (and ink can get expensive). Plus you need to pay for the updates. I would rather just read the patch notes to find what has changed. At least that is free.
Shir fantasy... They want to milk you for every dollar. guess what. if you bought the Printed version as I have your just out of luck... sorry kid. Buy em for what they are. which is all I wanted it for. as far as updates, they will likely never print another version again for Chapter 1. The downside to the online guide is it has DRM in it which makes it impossible to be a practical use to any normal user, cause you will have to re-purchase it every single time you want to download it, and it can not ever be moved from the computer you download it too.
I have gone to great pains to rid myself completely of all DRM systems from my computers. I don't buy music or anything digital that requires it EVER. That is my personal boycott of the technology. which in turn has forced me to stop buying music all together. I listen to what I already have or nothing at all. I will not be purchasing the guide online. if they have sense they will publish REAL physical updates for each chapter, but I Highly Doubt it.
I have gone to great pains to rid myself completely of all DRM systems from my computers. I don't buy music or anything digital that requires it EVER. That is my personal boycott of the technology. which in turn has forced me to stop buying music all together. I listen to what I already have or nothing at all. I will not be purchasing the guide online. if they have sense they will publish REAL physical updates for each chapter, but I Highly Doubt it.
I added the bold
Guild Wars PRIMA Guide Update 06-06-2005, 08:12:34 PM -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey all, As you know the Guild Wars Guide is now available in stores. We are currently working on fixing some of the errors in the guide and would like your help. If you come across an error or omission, please post it as a reply to this thread and we'll do our best to gather the information required. Most corrections and revisions will be posted for free on the guide's product page. A few of the items we are working on: *Map for Fissure *Map for Underworld *Adding bows to the "Weapon Bonuses & Enhancements" section *Adding info/locs to the bosses that drop "Elite" skills Not exhaustive but it'll give you a good idea of what has thus far been brought to our attention. Thanks to all who have posted here or contacted us via e-mail for your support. As everyone knows these games change often and it takes a helpful community to keep us on the right track. |