selling some gold and purple items
Sir Skullcrasher
in case picture don't work here the list of item
1)storm artifact-- energy +11 (req 7 air magic) improve casting speed by using cruse magic
4)scroll-- energy +10 (req 10 earth magic) armor +7 when health is below 50%
3) scroll-- energy +11 (req 11 earth magic) quick recovery from blind
5) shocking cleaver of welding DMG 6-27 (req 12 axe mastery) dmg+12% when health is 50%, armor +5 against elements
6) poisoner piercing axe DMG 6-27 (req 7 axe mastery) dmg+11% when health is below 50%, lengthen poison duration on foe
2)Fiery Hammer haft upgrades
post your bid, and your IGN. I'll update daily about who got the highest bid.
2.500g ign power of dreams
This auction will end in about one week or until no one bid on the items.
Thanks and good luck!
Sir Skullcrasher
bump! come on, no one is interested in buying these items! there is no reserve price so just bid away!

The pictures don't load...
Sir Skullcrasher
daily bump!

Sir Skullcrasher
bump again!
Sir Skullcrasher
hopefully i can get some bid this time
hopefully i can get some bid this time

Sir Skullcrasher
bump again

Sir Skullcrasher
come on just bid on something, heck i'll even be cheap! plus its closing either tommorow or thursday!
Sir Skullcrasher
bump! this is closing tommorow! give me some bids