wtf is wrong with guild battle faction
it says on you get 200-500 faction 4 winning in a guild battle but everyone on my team got 42 excpt me i got 14 whats going on
Originally Posted by delciotto
it ways on the site 200-500 facetion 4 winning but every1 on ym team got 42 excpt me i got 14 wtf?
Allow me to remind you of one of the forum rules:
Do Not Abuse The English Language This is a message board, not an AOL chatroom. As such, you have all the time necessary to articulate your posts in a coherent matter. "You" is only two more letters than "u", it won't kill you to type them. Completely illegible posts are subject to moderation - and I can't guarantee their accuracy of 'translating' the authors original message, if you get my drift. When one punctuation works (like a ?) instead of 10 (like ?!?!), use one. |
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there i fixed the post happy?
Originally Posted by delciotto
there i fixed the post happy?
Now are you sure everyone for 45 points? You are rewarded 2 points for each first-time kill, but no repeat ones... maybe you didn't kill as many people as your team mates did.
If however you 100% sure that everyone for 45 points and you didn't then use the /bug function ingame and/or e-mail support to ask for help.
You'll get a quick and friendly reply, but make sure its not in AOL format or most likely they won't.

Make Guild Capes Toggelable! Please support it!
Originally Posted by RTSFirebat
Now are you sure everyone for 45 points? You are rewarded 2 points for each first-time kill, but no repeat ones... maybe you didn't kill as many people as your team mates did.
Yes, the Guild battle faction is messed up. I'd advise not rushing into GvG quickly to gain faction until this is definitely fixed.
Myth Osis
In saying this though .... (I think what the person that started this post was trying to say ... all be it in broken english), was ...
Can any one accuratly list the faction the game is giving at the moment?
also if I might add ...
How are the guild ladder points worked out for a battle. Are all battles worth the same amount of points? If they are I cant work "The guild ladder" out. You can have people with the same number of wins/losses but different points. Hrmmmmm.
Can any one accuratly list the faction the game is giving at the moment?
also if I might add ...
How are the guild ladder points worked out for a battle. Are all battles worth the same amount of points? If they are I cant work "The guild ladder" out. You can have people with the same number of wins/losses but different points. Hrmmmmm.
Did you recently join a guild? If so, there is a point penalty based on the number of days since joining.
You must stay in your current guild for (I believe) 2 weeks before you get the full points per guild battle.
You must stay in your current guild for (I believe) 2 weeks before you get the full points per guild battle.
the guy above me i think just answered the question the guilds not that old im new the the guild but the guild its self i think was only made a tiny awhile ago like just a few days ok w/e thats a pretty gay thing to do get less faction just cuz the guilds new
You only get full faction for winning a GvG battle after two weeks. If you GvG immediately after joining a new guild, you will get only 1/14 of the faction reward for a GvG victory. After a day, you will get 2/14 of the faction, then 3/14 the next day, until you get 14/14 on the fourteenth day after joining the guild.
Based on the numbers given, I'd assume that you were a new guild, that you joined just a day ago and your guildies joined a few days prior. Upon your victory, you got 1/14 of the total reward, while your guildies got 3/14. You're going to have to wait a couple weeks before you can start gaining faction via GvG.
Based on the numbers given, I'd assume that you were a new guild, that you joined just a day ago and your guildies joined a few days prior. Upon your victory, you got 1/14 of the total reward, while your guildies got 3/14. You're going to have to wait a couple weeks before you can start gaining faction via GvG.