The new area
I'm not seeing it with my level 20 PvE character, anyone know where it is?
edit:'s a PvP arena.
edit:'s a PvP arena.
In the clip, they show new monsters too. There should be another new area but no one knows how to get to it. Maybe its still locked..
I haven't been able to login, but I believe you progress through it by missions, you can't explore to it.
Sausaletus Rex
Yes, the new area is called "The Crag" and it's located at the very bottommost of the screen, south of the GvG and D'Arena maps. When I've logged on as a PvP char that's where I've gone. It's a PvP map and it involves relic running in a map filled with lava (Causes Burning and Crippled). Morale Bonus for killing the other guys' hero. You win if you capture more relics than the other guy or get to a set number first (3 I think). Nothing out of the ordinary. The only thing of real note is that it's a random matchup area so you can't pick your team.
This doesn't make sense, because in the video they released, that was all PvE. They also said that was in the new area that will be accessable this BWE.
Sausaletus Rex
There may well be another map with that tileset, perhaps after Sanctum Clay or something along those lines. But "The Crag" is new and a PvP area. What makes no sense there is that you can't pick your teammates. Oh well, we'll get that non-random Arena someday, I suppose...
ive tried doing sanctum cay and it doesnt take u there
WaW is the answer 
It's confirmed that you can enter the new area in the Temple of Ages trough the Balthazar's statue if your home world holds the HoH. Maybe you can enter it elsewhere too.
All the details are unknown even to us

It's confirmed that you can enter the new area in the Temple of Ages trough the Balthazar's statue if your home world holds the HoH. Maybe you can enter it elsewhere too.
All the details are unknown even to us

thanks for the info ;]
thanks for the info ;]
Sausaletus Rex
Seems the statue you need changes from time to time. There's also a pretty limited window to grab things. It reportedly costs 1000 gold, too. But, some of the number crunching zombies are holding the hall right now so if you're in American hurry up and wait if you want....
I haven't been to the new area myself yet, but according to some screen shots I've seen...the new area has really high level monsters. Groups of lvl 24 mobs are reported to gang up on you. So a good PvE team is definately needed to survive there.
I haven't been to the new area myself yet, but according to some screen shots I've seen...the new area has really high level monsters. Groups of lvl 24 mobs are reported to gang up on you. So a good PvE team is definately needed to survive there.
Been there are few times and it is very tough. Masses of level 24 and 28 monbs and they come in droves ....
Gate only opens when you get the HoH messages.
You need a very good team and I would suggest some good defensive skills if you want to survive more than a few mins.
Gate only opens when you get the HoH messages.
You need a very good team and I would suggest some good defensive skills if you want to survive more than a few mins.
So do you have to pay 1000g per visit? Or is it a one-time fee?
What kind of loots where you able to get?
What kind of loots where you able to get?
Originally Posted by Elythor
So do you have to pay 1000g per visit? Or is it a one-time fee?
So you don't even get a new dot on the map to map travel to?
Hmmph. I'm sooo excited to know I can stand around in the Temple of the Ages forever waiting helplessly for something to happen somewhere else in the world just so I can go fight a few monsters. Yawn. And you thought grinding for levels was boring...
Hmmph. I'm sooo excited to know I can stand around in the Temple of the Ages forever waiting helplessly for something to happen somewhere else in the world just so I can go fight a few monsters. Yawn. And you thought grinding for levels was boring...
Yes and be warned that a 7 veteran guild members + myself lasted about mmmm i would say a good 30 seconds before we got thrown to the deapths of hell!!! MMblarg there goes my platinum bar!
Jon Snow
The area is now open permanently. Just go to the temple of ages, assemble a GOOD group, and talk to the ghost next to the statue of Balthazar. It costs 1000 gold to enter, or 125 each if you split it up.
Be warned: it is a VERY hard area. I've so far been unable to finish the mission, or reach the end of the area.
Note: although the map doesn't show any details while you are in this area, it shows you that you are on the charred island in the southwest.
Be warned: it is a VERY hard area. I've so far been unable to finish the mission, or reach the end of the area.
Note: although the map doesn't show any details while you are in this area, it shows you that you are on the charred island in the southwest.
There are multiple areas through Temple of Ages, for various costs. Grenth wanted 200 gold, Balthazar wanted 1000 gold, and Dwayna wanted 10,000 gold (haven't tried that one yet
). If you don't have enough cash, their avatars won't give you the donation option.

I've had over 10k and didn't have the option, maybe i am mistaken though. I know before one of the patches, grenth cost 1000 gold too.
Are you sure it's permanent? I kneeled, and there was nothing. I'm pretty sure the statues have to be on fire in the first place, coming from your HoH team winning.
Currently the way it works is whichever world is holding the hall of heroes will let their people enter the map, and the "portal" (activated statues) closes when the loose it. It's permenant in that way, since it used to be (I beleive this was a bug or something) it lasted only likr 30 seconds after somone won HoH for you to get in.
I don't know if it would be true permenant in the future, my guess is it wouldn't be the best because all world will have all the areas unlocked very quickly if that was the case.
I don't know if it would be true permenant in the future, my guess is it wouldn't be the best because all world will have all the areas unlocked very quickly if that was the case.
Sausaletus Rex
I saw the message "Realm {Whatever} gained the favor of the gods" after a particular team (not mine, sadly) held the Tombs for several rounds. Anyone know if that did/does anything?
This lights the statues up for that particular world, so they can the enter the extra missions.
When I got to the new area on Sunday, I did some map caps, and it wasn't until later that I realized that I'd been there before. Earlier that weekend, in fact, I'd gone north from Fisherman's Haven, through Stingray Strand and into the "Tears For The Fallen" area, and once through the gate I got slaughtered by some ferocious Minotaur. Well, it was those same L20+ creatures I'd encountered in the beta, and the map apparently shows me in that same area.
So if they do this same setup, try it to see if you can get in through the back door.
So if they do this same setup, try it to see if you can get in through the back door.

Vermilion Okeanos
It require the world to hold the HoH for 4-5 times straight for it to be able to be open during the later part of the BWE.
If korea hold the HoH with the new area, to change the holder.. your world must have 4-5 wins straight for it to be remove from korea's server. If your world have 3 wins and got knocked down by another world during the 4th... the new area will still belong to korea. The same thing apply the other way around. This means that the statues will light up for much much longer peroid of time.
If korea hold the HoH with the new area, to change the holder.. your world must have 4-5 wins straight for it to be remove from korea's server. If your world have 3 wins and got knocked down by another world during the 4th... the new area will still belong to korea. The same thing apply the other way around. This means that the statues will light up for much much longer peroid of time.
It's 6 times.