A Dieing Game ?
i have noticed a MAJOR decrease in player population over the last 2 months... so, i thought now would be a apropiate time to post this. Is Guild Wars a dieing game ? for those of you who played SWG yall know what a dieing game is for sure *cough* god dam jedi *cough* well, anyways i just thought some type of comment needed to be said to get a few post going...
It is not dying; people just want to take a long to indefinite break from the game.
Sir Skullcrasher
Dying? maybe.. but will it raise back to the state it used to be.. maybe! This game that has lost interest for many people and for different reasons. Most obvious is the lack of economy system and a very anti-nerf system which keep people from getting good drops. Also people complain about lack of update which give no depth into this game and ultimatly decrease the player's population.
Hopefully by the time the expansion come out, it will get everyone back to playing!
Hopefully by the time the expansion come out, it will get everyone back to playing!
Originally Posted by Kelzar
i have noticed a MAJOR decrease in player population over the last 2 months... so, i thought now would be a apropiate time to post this. Is Guild Wars a dieing game ? for those of you who played SWG yall know what a dieing game is for sure *cough* god dam jedi *cough* well, anyways i just thought some type of comment needed to be said to get a few post going...
Numa Pompilius
One word: Battlefield 2.
Or is that two words?
Edit: Actually I thought of two more words: summer holiday.
Or is that two words?
Edit: Actually I thought of two more words: summer holiday.
these are the kind of posts that happen when theres no update on wed

Summer is always a quiet time for the games industry. Yes there will have been a decline in server population, it happens with all games, on release there is a sales spike, more users, which over a month or 2 evens out.
Updates have nothing to do with a decline in population.
Like many have said, the dynamic of GW means that it is easy to take a break for a while then return. With updates this also can mean you return to a fresh game with new challages and gameplay systems. I.e. the PvP rewards system that has just been added, the new areas that are due sometime in the next month or 2. (later than that and it will be fall and there PR will have been all wrong.
Updates have nothing to do with a decline in population.
Like many have said, the dynamic of GW means that it is easy to take a break for a while then return. With updates this also can mean you return to a fresh game with new challages and gameplay systems. I.e. the PvP rewards system that has just been added, the new areas that are due sometime in the next month or 2. (later than that and it will be fall and there PR will have been all wrong.

Id believe its dying... 3 of my guilds died and I remember half the members hadn't been on for week-month+. (including leader lol) Im usually addicted to rpgs, but this game doesn't currently have enough content to hold a large audience captive.
Did you just spell dying wrong?
I think of it more as an idiot filter. OMFG WTF WHERE IS MAH 1000 DAMAGE WEAP0N WHY DO I HAV 2 TEAM WIT PPL THIS IS GHEY L83R.
No really... I wouldn't say decline I'd say more spread out.
At the start everyone was playing all the time in the beginning portion of the game. Now like with all games they can't play it 12 hours a day anymore and everyone has spread out.
I think of it more as an idiot filter. OMFG WTF WHERE IS MAH 1000 DAMAGE WEAP0N WHY DO I HAV 2 TEAM WIT PPL THIS IS GHEY L83R.
No really... I wouldn't say decline I'd say more spread out.
At the start everyone was playing all the time in the beginning portion of the game. Now like with all games they can't play it 12 hours a day anymore and everyone has spread out.
Originally Posted by Shadow_Avenger
Updates have nothing to do with a decline in population.
you honestly think the OP would have started this topic if the game was patched with an update a few hours ago ?
Decline in population? i ain't noticed that, i don't realy don't see how when you can look at ascolon city or draknors forge around prime time and see anywhere from 50 to over 100 districs up. course maybe thats just me.
Witcher King
In my experience, there's really not a whole lot to do after you've beat the game with a couple of characters. There's only so many times you can do the same quests and see the same cinematics. UW and FoW are great for experience but with the loot-nerf there's not much incentive to go there or explore any new areas unless you're looking to cap a skill. It's pretty sad actually.
Player vs player is fun, but really, certain builds are liked much much more than others and a lot of people get the shaft if they want to do Tombs or even Team arenas. Not a monk, air ele, or ranger? Sorry. I feel the most sorry for the W/Monks sitting in Tombs screaming for a good group. Joining a guild is nice, I guess, but this game lacks the epic feel of having a "guild war". It's more like a small skirmish. Maybe letting us use those seige engines we see so much of during the story might be nice, or taking the idea of a few posters and creating a virtual map to fight over.
Really from a business point of view though, it's not in ArenaNets best interest to provide us with lots of endgame content. There's no monthly fee so basically we are just a load on their servers they'd rather see elsewhere. They've got your 50 bucks, what do they care if you stay or go? That's not necessarily BAD however because anybody that has beat this game will tell you it was 50 dollars well spent, just a reason as to why there's not much to do anymore.
Player vs player is fun, but really, certain builds are liked much much more than others and a lot of people get the shaft if they want to do Tombs or even Team arenas. Not a monk, air ele, or ranger? Sorry. I feel the most sorry for the W/Monks sitting in Tombs screaming for a good group. Joining a guild is nice, I guess, but this game lacks the epic feel of having a "guild war". It's more like a small skirmish. Maybe letting us use those seige engines we see so much of during the story might be nice, or taking the idea of a few posters and creating a virtual map to fight over.
Really from a business point of view though, it's not in ArenaNets best interest to provide us with lots of endgame content. There's no monthly fee so basically we are just a load on their servers they'd rather see elsewhere. They've got your 50 bucks, what do they care if you stay or go? That's not necessarily BAD however because anybody that has beat this game will tell you it was 50 dollars well spent, just a reason as to why there's not much to do anymore.
Havent really noticed the population. But with GTA San Andreas out recently, I'm still hooked on to it. I play less now in guild wars, but not yet quit or anything, just addicted to GTA for now
But as can be seen. As time goes by, some people manage to progress further while some remain stagnant or stuck at a certain point, so the population could be more or less distributed. Though there is probably a slight decline in overall population.

But as can be seen. As time goes by, some people manage to progress further while some remain stagnant or stuck at a certain point, so the population could be more or less distributed. Though there is probably a slight decline in overall population.
People are taking a break. I've done PvE enough...got my 15k armors (not fissure though, fissures are UGLY imo), done some PvP, but there isn't much left in it after that. Sure I could farm for a while to get money to buy the fissure armor...but those prices go up every day, and it's not worth looking ugly for. And even if I could farm for money, they'd just nerf it the next day.
PvP is the only thing left for me in the game, but there is absolutely no motivation to PvP. I mean...why do it? Am I fighting for something other than faction? Nope. Just the same damn arenas, fighting the same damn builds, doing unrated GvG in the same damn places vs the same damn people, waiting for the same damn countdown timer, doing the same damn thing over and over just to see "blue team wins" at the end, and nothing more. Where's the feeling of accomplishment? Some text? Is that supposed to motivate me to do more of the same thing?
If Guild Wars actually had an enviornment where a war was actually going on, between large groups of people, siege weapons, towns to raid and what not...then I'd play it a HELL of a lot more, because we'd be fighting FOR something. We'd be fighting the war for our side and our people not just for...some text. Woopdee doo. If I could look at the all but destroyed enemy force run away from our massive siege and the fight to take the town...that would fill me with accomplishment and get me motivated to do it more. Say...to get myself prepared for the fight when they come back with reinforcements to get their town back under control. That's motivation, that's involvment.
Right now, it's just a dry empty shell to have some PvP...no motivation, no depth, no immersion...just countdown, fight, die, repeat. Pfft...
PvP is the only thing left for me in the game, but there is absolutely no motivation to PvP. I mean...why do it? Am I fighting for something other than faction? Nope. Just the same damn arenas, fighting the same damn builds, doing unrated GvG in the same damn places vs the same damn people, waiting for the same damn countdown timer, doing the same damn thing over and over just to see "blue team wins" at the end, and nothing more. Where's the feeling of accomplishment? Some text? Is that supposed to motivate me to do more of the same thing?
If Guild Wars actually had an enviornment where a war was actually going on, between large groups of people, siege weapons, towns to raid and what not...then I'd play it a HELL of a lot more, because we'd be fighting FOR something. We'd be fighting the war for our side and our people not just for...some text. Woopdee doo. If I could look at the all but destroyed enemy force run away from our massive siege and the fight to take the town...that would fill me with accomplishment and get me motivated to do it more. Say...to get myself prepared for the fight when they come back with reinforcements to get their town back under control. That's motivation, that's involvment.
Right now, it's just a dry empty shell to have some PvP...no motivation, no depth, no immersion...just countdown, fight, die, repeat. Pfft...
Principa Discordia
No offense but I'm locking this. There's no basis to say the player base is decreasing, never mind to say the game is dying-off.
This is mindless sensationalism, stop trying to provoke a response.
This is mindless sensationalism, stop trying to provoke a response.