So I was reading a thread where someone mentioned something called, "Levelism". I assume that this means something like "Racism" but instead involves a prejudice against low level people.
Aside from a general feeling of distaste over the name, I'm sort of wondering about community feelings towards "Levelism". Personally, if I see a lvl 10 at RoF and a lvl 20, I'm probably going to pick the lvl 20? Why? I know that the lvl 10 player may be able to finish the mission, but simply put, given two average players, one lvl 10 and one lvl 20, the lvl 20 player will be stronger simply because he/she has more skill points and health. It's not a "we can't do this with a lvl 10 in the party" it's that why /should/ I do it with a lvl 10 in the party?
Any thoughts? Am I totally looking at this from the wrong angle?
Aside from a general feeling of distaste over the name, I'm sort of wondering about community feelings towards "Levelism". Personally, if I see a lvl 10 at RoF and a lvl 20, I'm probably going to pick the lvl 20? Why? I know that the lvl 10 player may be able to finish the mission, but simply put, given two average players, one lvl 10 and one lvl 20, the lvl 20 player will be stronger simply because he/she has more skill points and health. It's not a "we can't do this with a lvl 10 in the party" it's that why /should/ I do it with a lvl 10 in the party?
Any thoughts? Am I totally looking at this from the wrong angle?
Levelism isn't that much of a problem in this game (easy to get to level 20). It is a problem in games with 100 levels or whatnot...
What you are talking about is not true levelism (??). You are simply using common sense. A level 20 is heartier [edit: what a weird word choice looking back
]than a level 10. So, if you know nothing else about the two characters, why not go with the level 20?
I am pretty sure levelism is when you "look down" on people of a lower level (this, of course, being pathetic
What you are talking about is not true levelism (??). You are simply using common sense. A level 20 is heartier [edit: what a weird word choice looking back
I am pretty sure levelism is when you "look down" on people of a lower level (this, of course, being pathetic

salja Wachi
no you are accurate to an extent, however it is rediculous for people to berate that level 10 person like i have seen done.
it is pretty simple. if you see a level 10 in ring of fire and you do not want him on your team just do not pick him lol. there is no reason for anyone to berate tht person for being there. i see this most often in the ascension missions. and it makes me angry i usually end up sticking up for that lower level person and getting into an argument lol.
it is pretty simple. if you see a level 10 in ring of fire and you do not want him on your team just do not pick him lol. there is no reason for anyone to berate tht person for being there. i see this most often in the ascension missions. and it makes me angry i usually end up sticking up for that lower level person and getting into an argument lol.
Sagius Truthbarron
My problem with it, if I go to a place in the Southern Shiverpeaks and I say "Infused E/Me lvl 9 LF skill cap group or mission, will pay 1k for succesful run" I get whispered comments such as "OMG HOW U GET HERE S LV 9? SUCK NOOB! GO BACK 2 PRE SEARING" and the like. Mostly from W/mos.
One time I even got such a comment from a level 15. My infused E/me can survive a good 12 hits from any monster in the sotuhern shiverpeaks, and the only way i would take those hits is if the warriors bring the monsters to the caster group.
Really, a level 9, of course, isn't "UBER POWERFULZ" or anything, but I can still be a help. Besides, I find it pretty humorous to have a little pipsquek E/me doing infusion runs
I'm not completely guilt free of this. I wouln't take more than 1 person below level 20 in my group for most places. I'll obviously take a 20 over a level 15.
One time I even got such a comment from a level 15. My infused E/me can survive a good 12 hits from any monster in the sotuhern shiverpeaks, and the only way i would take those hits is if the warriors bring the monsters to the caster group.
Really, a level 9, of course, isn't "UBER POWERFULZ" or anything, but I can still be a help. Besides, I find it pretty humorous to have a little pipsquek E/me doing infusion runs
I'm not completely guilt free of this. I wouln't take more than 1 person below level 20 in my group for most places. I'll obviously take a 20 over a level 15.
Originally Posted by salja Wachi
no you are accurate to an extent, however it is rediculous for people to berate that level 10 person like i have seen done.
it is pretty simple. if you see a level 10 in ring of fire and you do not want him on your team just do not pick him lol. there is no reason for anyone to berate tht person for being there. i see this most often in the ascension missions. and it makes me angry i usually end up sticking up for that lower level person and getting into an argument lol. |
Hah. Even in Hell's Precipice, I'd probably pick up the level 10 for a couple of reasons. Really slim chance that it'd be their first character, or even their second, and they'd probably be in good humour. I'd expect them to laugh rather than whinge every time they die. More low-levels in high-level zones, cheers.
levelism is jsut plain stupid, the level says NOTHING and means nothing but some atribute points to set.
200 attribute points are only important in PvP, nowere else!
Im glad i found someone that invites a lowlevel into the UW to make 35k exp with him in just a few minutes, not to powerlevel him, but to have a good lovlevel player that knows what hes doing, and that really helps the team with his skills!
i LOVE to play with lowlevels in the deserts, but i HATE them in southern shiverpeaks and fire islands, die runners die!
200 attribute points are only important in PvP, nowere else!
Im glad i found someone that invites a lowlevel into the UW to make 35k exp with him in just a few minutes, not to powerlevel him, but to have a good lovlevel player that knows what hes doing, and that really helps the team with his skills!
i LOVE to play with lowlevels in the deserts, but i HATE them in southern shiverpeaks and fire islands, die runners die!
Sagius Truthbarron
Originally Posted by Mumblyfish
Hah. Even in Hell's Precipice, I'd probably pick up the level 10 for a couple of reasons. Really slim chance that it'd be their first character, or even their second, and they'd probably be in good humour. I'd expect them to laugh rather than whinge every time they die. More low-levels in high-level zones, cheers.

Originally Posted by Sagius Truthbarron
"OMG HOW U GET HERE S LV 9? SUCK NOOB! GO BACK 2 PRE SEARING" and the like. Mostly from W/mos.
What people do in this game is their own problem, if they are a low level and cant seem to find a group then thats their problem i guess they should not have rushed (oh no im getting D2X flash backs.. lvl 15s in hell cow runs.. no... NOOOO) but if you are a low level and you can find a group and get the job done good for you people should really stop taking this game so seriously.. i mean i love it, but im not going to get all protective about it
My problem is that oftentimes level 12-16 players in Kryta will kick me to take a henchie instead and I'm 2 levels higher than the henches. Also considering I have done all the missions at least 2x already, I know what to do in them. My level is inconsequential when stacked up against my knowledge and skill as a team player.
Alderman Sweet
A low-level player in a high-level area is asking a lot from a party, imo. He's fragile, underpowered, and is taking up a high-level slot. One of my characters is a level 6 ele/mes. It would never occur to me to try to join a group doing desert missions. Even if he didn't turn out to be a liability, that's a slot denied to a high-level player who might really need a group.
For me, it depends on how much lower level he is than most people in the area. I'll scoop up level 15-16 characters all day in the crystal desert, for instance, since that's a level that's perfectly reasonable for the area. Players can easily get there at that level just by playing the missions without messing around with sidequests and the like - it's likely a sign of a player who knows what he's doing. On the other hand, a level 8 in the desert is likely someone who has been relying on taxis most of the way and isn't going to be lending much of a hand in a fight.
It's all expectations.
It's all expectations.
Cross Blade
the only place Ive gotten it was in the PVP area you can get to from Lions Arch. a guy freeked out when he saw that my lvl 18 was on his team. all he did was bitch the whole first match. then we won the first match. the second match we did lose, yet he died before me, I rezed him, he died again and the rest of the team died. as we were waiting to get kicked his parting words were "stupid 18". now to remind you, this was in a random match with no ranking or status involved. I could kinda understand if it would hurt him or is guild, but it wouldnt. during the match he said that I should have a max PVP with wepons and armor. now let me tell the situation. I am a very casual player. my R/N18 is my primery cherecter. I have a seconed that I use to explore the other prof. my other 2 slots are being used by my 2 roomates to see if they want to buy the game. I dont see a prob with that cause they both are very low lvl since they just peek in once in a while and arnt distroying the game or anything. so I dont have room for a PVP only yet I want to get a little PVP exp so when I do get into it more I will have some idea of what Im doing. I dont know...I just thought he was being a dick.
Haha... Hard to imagine someone dissing a lower level character considering one had to be that level once. Could it be resentment of low level characters in areas where the level ranges are higher? Gee I wonder how they got there

Low level characters in high level zones (ie. Post Ascension) really only irk me for one reason... I really believe that skipping to Droknar's via Lornar Pass should not be possible. I know the arguments in favor of it, so please don't list them again. That's just how I feel about it. Skipping half the game should not be possible or encouraged.
Originally Posted by Cross Blade
the only place Ive gotten it was in the PVP area you can get to from Lions Arch. a guy freeked out when he saw that my lvl 18 was on his team. all he did was bitch the whole first match. then we won the first match. the second match we did lose, yet he died before me, I rezed him, he died again and the rest of the team died. as we were waiting to get kicked his parting words were "stupid 18". now to remind you, this was in a random match with no ranking or status involved. I could kinda understand if it would hurt him or is guild, but it wouldnt. during the match he said that I should have a max PVP with wepons and armor. now let me tell the situation. I am a very casual player. my R/N18 is my primery cherecter. I have a seconed that I use to explore the other prof. my other 2 slots are being used by my 2 roomates to see if they want to buy the game. I dont see a prob with that cause they both are very low lvl since they just peek in once in a while and arnt distroying the game or anything. so I dont have room for a PVP only yet I want to get a little PVP exp so when I do get into it more I will have some idea of what Im doing. I dont know...I just thought he was being a dick.
First, W/Mo are not a noob build.
Its a effective build and I am sure there are teams very happy about W/Mo and they being smart enough to bring a res ability, they can pull a team from having to restart.
Many noobs play it because its a well known effective build and also a farm build.
Second, 30 attribute points are more for PvE.
PvP uses very dedicated builds, they dont have the need to have "across the board" skills since a air spike build is going to be air and energy with nothing more.
The 30 extra attributes work more in PvE since players have to switch skills and weapons at a higher rate, that allows what are skills they dont dedicate much points in to be somewhat effective, unlike PvP they cannot scrap the character and start a new one and continue what they are doing.
Its a effective build and I am sure there are teams very happy about W/Mo and they being smart enough to bring a res ability, they can pull a team from having to restart.
Many noobs play it because its a well known effective build and also a farm build.
Second, 30 attribute points are more for PvE.
PvP uses very dedicated builds, they dont have the need to have "across the board" skills since a air spike build is going to be air and energy with nothing more.
The 30 extra attributes work more in PvE since players have to switch skills and weapons at a higher rate, that allows what are skills they dont dedicate much points in to be somewhat effective, unlike PvP they cannot scrap the character and start a new one and continue what they are doing.
Originally Posted by Sagius Truthbarron
Exactly the kind of attitude people should have.
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