Skill Ideas.



Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005


Mercanaries of Xero


I think they should have a skill that takes up several skill slots.

Here are a few ideas:

A Dragon summon that takes up like 3 skill bars and costs 40 mana to cast.
Finding a way to balance his power might be hard.

An AoE attack with the size of a necro well. This would probably take about 2+ skill slots and cost like 25 mana but would do about 150 dmg to everyone in the area.

Anyone have any suggestions, comments, or just thinks the idea sucks?



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005



There is already a huge thread about new skills, so please post there.

dragon summon: 3 skill bars. Nope, this would have to be so overpowered to be worth that, it would still not be worth the 3 skill bars, as you can only have one skill bar. How about just that it takes up three skill slots. I still think it wouldn't be worth the decrease of variability.

They have this attack, it is called Meteor shower, fire storm, and all the other aoe spells. And the 2 skill slots is still ridiculous.



Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005


Mercanaries of Xero


Originally Posted by arnansnow
There is already a huge thread about new skills, so please post there.

3 skill bars. Nope, this would have to be so overpowered to be worth that, it would still not be worth the 3 skill bars, as you can only have one. How about just that it takes up three skill slots. I still think it wouldn't be worth the decrease of variability.

They have this attack, it is called Meteor shower, fire storm, and all the other aoe spells. And the 2 skill slots is still ridiculous.
In my search there was not a thread on skills taking up several skill slots.

I think it's pretty blatant that I refer to them as both slots and bars, I don't think there is anything wrong with that.

Lastly, Meteor Shower and Fire storm are DoT, not direct damage and do not take up the area of a necro well.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005



There will never be skills that take up multiple slots, and there is even less chance of a skill that takes up 3 peoples entire skill bars!



Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005


Mercanaries of Xero


Inspight of either your inability to read my post explaining my word choice, or your choice to ignore it, im going to continue to call each skill slot anything I wish, be it slot, bar, space, or anything else I decide. I also am not trying to say there will be one that take up several bars, i'm mearly asking what others' opinions are on it.

Beta Ray Bill

Beta Ray Bill

Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

The Frozen North

Personally, I don't think it's reasonable to introduce multi-slot skill in favor of god-like damage potential. It would seriously unbalance the game, no matter what kind of counter-effects are out there or introduced. Basically, questing would simply devolve into getting far enough to get the uber-skill that trumps everything else.

There is a delicacy to balancing games like this, making every class enjoyable and every skill meaningful. The elites are hard enough to acquire and lend a very solid late-game "collector's frenzy" to players who are looking to complete their skill set.

If this level of skill were added to the game, I'd see it as a last ditch effort to revive dying interest by a majority of players... sort of a "jumping the shark" for GW. It would help me along the road to permanently retiring my interest in it.

Arctic Strike

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2005

Champions of Nissi


Arena Net has done an excelent job at balancing this game and a 3-slotted skill wouldn't fit into any skill-balancing act.

AND one more thing, stop bashing other people's opinions, and don't take comments personally. Geeze, I feel like I'm back in frickin grade school. Play nice children.