question about pets
i know in DAoC, if my pet attacked and hit anyone using a spell, it would interupt the spell unless it was an instacast, is it the same in this game or do they keep casting even if the pet hits them?
They don't interrupt unless you have the pet skill that does interruption, and then it is still only one attack that is interruption.
What is DaoC?
What is DaoC?
Izzy Izumi
Dark Age of Camelot.
dark age of camelot, the only mmorpg game i played b4 guild wars
thx for the quick response, that was about 10 seconds!
thx for the quick response, that was about 10 seconds!
just an FYI - not only do pets not interupt, but unless you are using a skill that specifically says it interupts or knocks down ect. your own attacking of another player or mob does not interupt either. Actually none of the fighting is like DAoC, lol. It takes a little getting used to.
The only way to interupt without using spells, is if the enemy is using an easily interruptable spell, or he is dazed