I played GuildWars in beta, bearly. The way they set up beta killed my chance of having fun due to me being on a 56k line that downloads at 2kb a second. Therefore I was unable to experience anything other then the starting zone.

I am thinking about trying it again, since all the maps will be on a disc I wont have to worry about leaving my PC on all night to download town... but then I got to thinking. Level 20? seems a bit low and I know it has purpose, but is it keeping everyones interest? There doesnt seem to be very deep leveling in this game compared to others and thats the main reason I belived people spent their time playing them, to progress.
I would hope the PVP aspect hype that this game gets is worth it, because if it isnt, there really isnt much to this game... is there? I don't know, I need you guys to tell me. How do you like it? is it interesting and fun? Is it something you feel you put alot of time into?
Thanks for taking the time to read my post, this is really helping me out more then you think.