The worm Problem; Quest bug?

Athis Strider

Athis Strider

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005



As of last night, the, "the worm problem" quest could not be accomplished.

You get the quest from Pitnay which is standing right next to Devona.
You may select the quest (the quest appearers in the quest log) but when you do the arrow on the compass does not show up or make that "magical swoosh sound" that quests do when you obtain or complete them.

If you go into towns the little green flashing star appears along with the arrow depending on how far you spawn from the gate. It will disappear from the compass if you cross the bridge close to the Devourer caves, where the quests tell you to go, or as soon as you step out of Ashford Abby.

If you go to the caves anyways because you know how to get there, Fadden Hathorn is not there neither are there any eggs.

Any one know whats up?

We only had this one quest in our logs.

(copy paste this link if it does not take ya there)


Silent Kitty

Silent Kitty

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006


[TYW] "The Young World"


Have you done the replace ment quest for little Tom?
If you want eggs, you can still trade them at the entrance of Ascalon. There is an collector there. The same one who has the 5 pouch.

Athis Strider

Athis Strider

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005



Yes. I beleive I have done that quest. Yeah 5 skale fins for the egg. I may end up doing that just to finish it.

Silent Kitty

Silent Kitty

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006


[TYW] "The Young World"


Originally Posted by Athis Strider
Yes. I beleive I have done that quest. Yeah 5 skale fins for the egg. I may end up doing that just to finish it.
Actually, you should have gotten two eggs for that quest. One for Little Tom to replace the dead bull, and one for Pitnay, so you can kill the Worm Queen. From there on you'll get a new Quest, called "The missing Moa Bird".