Tengu Henchie gives me the creeps
Manda Panda
It's like they took all the things that they know annoy us and made them henchies. The tengu, the split second interrupt timing--it wouldn't surprise me if they had a wind rider hench in the works.
Tengu good... Wallow thingie bad.
Anything with Giant Stomp + Serpent's Quickness would make the best henchie ever....
Tengu henchman was awesome. I love watching them throw their wings out as they run into battle. Rawk!
Didn't really like the big fat necro dinosaur henchman though.
Didn't really like the big fat necro dinosaur henchman though.
Yukito Kunisaki
Everyone seems to have gone Kurzhick...
I went for the Underdog and said, why not Luxom?
Now I'm glad I did. I fought those Rot Wallow thingies and I'd REALLY HATE to have those bloated rats as my henchies.
Now Silverwing, I think he was a boss from Prophesies. Nice to see him on the team vs. going toe to toe with him...
I went for the Underdog and said, why not Luxom?
Now I'm glad I did. I fought those Rot Wallow thingies and I'd REALLY HATE to have those bloated rats as my henchies.
Now Silverwing, I think he was a boss from Prophesies. Nice to see him on the team vs. going toe to toe with him...
Originally Posted by fgarvin
Anything with Giant Stomp + Serpent's Quickness would make the best henchie ever....
Originally Posted by Align
Knocks down your own team too :|
Lol, Pidgeon henchaman...
Yeah, he creeped me out too. I liked the rot wallow things as well and took one of them along just for kicks, even though I realize they suck, but the avicara is awesome.
IMO the best henches are protector and guardian. The new healer is terrible, especially considering she spams purge signet :/
Yeah, he creeped me out too. I liked the rot wallow things as well and took one of them along just for kicks, even though I realize they suck, but the avicara is awesome.
IMO the best henches are protector and guardian. The new healer is terrible, especially considering she spams purge signet :/
Originally Posted by Alleji
IMO the best henches are protector and guardian. :/
If only I could take him to meet Willa.

Everytime he makes the sound I think there is a Tengu attacking me.
It is kinda freaky.
As for henches I was impressed from, the ranger interupter on the luxon side and the domination mesmer on the kurz side.
It is kinda freaky.
As for henches I was impressed from, the ranger interupter on the luxon side and the domination mesmer on the kurz side.
I thought it was neat that there was going to be a tenchu henchman.
Originally Posted by fgarvin
I agree, but the interrupter should also be added to the list. My Guild has a few very good interrupters, but if I'm stuck with a all Henchie party, the interrupter is gonna be in there somewhere.
If only I could take him to meet Willa. ![]() |
Gun Pierson
Though the bird and I don't understand eachother that well and he gives me the creeps from time to time, I really enjoy his companionship. Better have him as a friend I should say. Wonder what he likes to eat.
Kurzick had henchies that were nonhuman as well.
I think anyone who'se tread through Mineral Springs will have bad memories of these terrifying winged nightmares. The first time I equipped Talon Silverwings, I wasn't aware that he made any grunts. I think the first time I heard it, was during combat. With my health running low, I freaked out and mapped back to the marketplace.... after a second or two, I slapped myself in the chest and said "Dhuurrrrrrrrr, omg I'm an IDIOT!"
After I got my black moa, I went back for talon silverwing. My two birds of prey protect me from dangers afar. When combat gets too hot, they can drop their weapons and fly me back home.... ok maybe not, but that would be funny. lol
After I got my black moa, I went back for talon silverwing. My two birds of prey protect me from dangers afar. When combat gets too hot, they can drop their weapons and fly me back home.... ok maybe not, but that would be funny. lol
Talon Silverwing
Numa Pompilius
Like everyone else (it seems) I hated the Avicara in Prophecies. Damn annoying.
Talon Silverwing, however, was the best fighter henchman of the bunch. He was almost always the last man standing at wipes, and did serious damage to the enemy.
So I love the bastard. Despite his creepy sounds, which, yes, freaked me out the first time I heard them too.
Talon Silverwing, however, was the best fighter henchman of the bunch. He was almost always the last man standing at wipes, and did serious damage to the enemy.
So I love the bastard. Despite his creepy sounds, which, yes, freaked me out the first time I heard them too.
omg its talon silverwing!
Here, you need an avatar ^^
Here, you need an avatar ^^
Talon Silverwing
The Little Viking
I like the new creature henchies. Makes a nice, but yes, unusual change to the whole henchie outlook.
Sir Skullcrasher
question? why is this tengu bigger than the one in Tyria?
Originally Posted by sir skulkcrasher
question? why is this tengu bigger than the one in Tyria?
Originally Posted by koneko
Genetics and a better diet. It's the "Yao Ming" effect.
Ken Dei
I heard that thing in town and immediately did a camera 360 going "OMG OMG OMG OMG HELP!" in my brain.
Numa Pompilius
Originally Posted by sir skulkcrasher
question? why is this tengu bigger than the one in Tyria?
I've got another question: Are avicara and tengu two names for the same thing, or are they different?
Originally Posted by Numa Pompilius
He's higher level, isn't he? Mobs get bigger with level, and the tengu around Lions Arch are pretty low-level. Plus maybe he is a 'hearty' tengu.
...I liked my explaination better. >_>
Originally Posted by Numa Pompilius
I've got another question: Are avicara and tengu two names for the same thing, or are they different?
mmmm caramel tengu
The undead Mesmer
Tengu is the name of both species they are devided in ''tribes'' wich are the caromi and avicara
(hope this helps hehe)