Thanks in advance
Organized PvP
I really hope there is some form of new organized PvP in Guild Wars factions. I like the new alliance battles but its not the same as having a group that you designed and completely owning with it. I know a lot of other people that would really like a new competitive organized arena...if someone from Anet already confirmed that there would be new organized arenas then please say so!! 
Thanks in advance
Thanks in advance
It's called 4v4 TA, 8v8 GvG, and 8v8 HA. Try not to be so greedy
I know its just kind of disapponting because all the hype about the alliance battles....and when i try them out I find that they are simply not for me...

What I think will happen is that when the real Factions game is released Alliance Battles (12v12) will only allow you and your alliance buddies to join(otherwise they wouldnt call them alliance battles). The reason they couldnt do it for the FPE is (duh) they havent allowed alliances to form between guilds yet! So I'm hoping it will become a bit more like GvGs (but still with the PvE tone to it) when it comes out.
That is along the same lines I was thinking xBakox. The more, the merrier I say.
12v12 with 3 guild groups sounds great.
Yes! This has given me new hope!