In all cases, I will write this post about the Exploration Area. The exploration area is a large, and very beautifully crafted place. Also it seems it is now filled with more randomizing enemies (in their grouping, location, and behavior) as per suggestion before. However, after all quest is done, all the out post reach, people will very very not likely to revisit them again, putting it to waste. Also just after the 3rd or 4th run (when doing some quest) of going through the map again, everything just seem to become very dull as well. I was giving it some thoughts on how to better improve such things, and here is some ideas.
Essence Power Up:
More power ups.
It is true that GW is a game of balance and fairness, where you can not grind your self to pwn the noob and weak mobs. However, it also kills that sense of progression and “step up” that many stats RPG player get. From this, I would say add a thing call Essence.
What they are:
They are one time use power up (when click on them, will be like chest which will ask you if you want to use it). When use, they will give the player or group certain power up that will last for 20 min or till exit out of that map. There are different kinds that give different bonus. They will be “equipped” on to you, as a ghostly/glowie thing around you body/weapons. Usually be drop by boss mobs or find in a “key place”, and as drop, they will be assigned much like item. (but you can’t pick it up). Some example might be:
- Essence of Power Sword: +X to your attack power.
- Essence of Winded Sandal: +X% to you movement speed.
- Essense of Booming Shield: +X to your defense.
How would they help:
This make you feel as if you are “leveling up”, or where the more mob (or mob bosses) you kill, the better you become, and easier to conquer the map. It makes you feel that you earn something when taking on that massive group of mob or that powerful boss, and fuel you to keep going. Also can be use as other “rewards”. It follows the idea of “temporary loot”.
Exploration Quest
There seem very little goal or need to go back to an explored area. And all the repeatable quest just seem the same.
What they are:
Exploration Quest are small quest that are design more to encourage Exploration. For reward, they give out amount of xp, gold, and power up Essence after completion. They are Random. So that mean the NPC that give out such quest will not always instanize with the map, as will as different locations and different quests. Also once exit out of the map, the quest will automatically abandon it self. They will also not have a guiding Green Dot.
Some possible idea for such quest might be:
- Kill (some boss) in the map.
- Kill (X) amount of (Y) monster
- Go to Location (a description)
- Find and Talk to another NPC
How would the help:
They give player a quick goal to achieve, and would encourage them to explore around the map more. Also since there are no green dots to tell you where to go, it really challenges to player to take more notice of what is in the map, where are some locations, where the bosses and mob type located, and such, where it would help them finish such quest easier and faster.
Lore of the Land
People tend not to “bond” with some of the “key locations” of the exploration map. There is not enough emersion. (by key location I mean certain place in the map that is more crafted out, and seem to have, or can have, more story behind it)
What they are:
Different ways to give “key location” of the map more lores. They can come from a NPC (next to or in town), or a sign post/plaque/tombstone/torn journal page to read. Also some of those key locations might be heavily guarded, and could be a place that offer Essence Power up as well as exploration quest as well, and even puzzle to solve.
For example, there is one very beautiful well that I come to in my travel. From some NPC I talk to before that I learn that this is call the Crying Well, where there is a story where a girl, after lost her love, jump in to the well. (and when you go near it, you can still hear the crying.) After clearing the mob there, you can find a Sorrow Essence there to use. Whats more, if you use the /sad emote, a ghost will come up and talk to you, giving you another Essence and some boost.
How would the help:
Emersion is always important. Also it can server other rewarding purpose, and would leave a more memorable impression in player mind. And it would appear to the more “Mystery Solving” player, who when hinted, will be wanting to go back into the exploration to see/try it out them self.
More Randomization and Non-linear Content:
There are already few thread about this before, so I won’t go much into it.
Those are some suggestions that I think would help make exploration area more fun and more enjoyable to repeat. (I think it is sad to see that most people just repeat of going to one exploration area just for farming, and never really get fully immerse into the wonderful environment the Dev has created.) Of course it still need to be combine with other aspect of game to make it fully work (loots, rewards, RP collectibles, mini games, etc etc), but in all, I think if we see this in the future expansion, it might attract more players.
comments are feed back are welcome. QnA if needed, or point to /critque to things you think will not fit. Also would like to hear further suggetions on how to imporve exploration areas.