Say you have chapter 1 with 4 characters. Than bought chapter 2 and have 4 charcaters. So now you have 8 chracters total on chapter 1 and chapter 2. The question is when merge you now have 6 slots total than 8 slots when seperated, what happens to the 2 that can't fit on the account? If all 8 are PVE, than people will simply say delete the PVP slots, what than?
Overrall, seperate chapters, 8 characters, 8 slots.
Merged accounts 8 characters, 6 slots, what happens to the 2 extra?
question just relized
Not sure, but i think u need to decide to merge before u create a second acount. And then add the new key to the 1st account. Because merging 2 alredy created accounts will be hard, characters, storage, etc....
Fungus Amongus
You won't be able to merge two accounts with four characters each. You will have a choice to add two slots to your existing Prophecies account with access to Tyria and Cantha or have a completely separate Factions account.
Like Fungus said, you won't have the option later to merge accounts. When Factions is released, it's either add the key to your existing account or create a new account with the key. Once you make the decision, it's irreversible.
Fungus Amongus
It's pretty clear if you read Gaile's comments.