i posted this on other forums, thought id better bring it here too.
the list is almost complete, but ill be updating it regularly today. ill also be adding pics of the skills and their descriptions where possible. some of the elites are taken from normal monsters, and some bosses have prophecies elites. some bosses are also buggy (wont use their skills, cant see their skill display, etc). ill note these as they come to hand. anyway, on with the list.
- Pongmei Valley (neutral) -
trappers focus: ranger
boss: chehbaba roottripper (yeti)
pic: http://img73.imageshack.us/img73/408...rsfocus6rd.jpg
palm strike :assassin
boss: kenshi steelhand (jade clan)
pic: http://img522.imageshack.us/img522/4...mstrike1qb.jpg
spirit channeling: ritualist
boss: cho, spirit empath (am fah clan)
pic: http://img366.imageshack.us/img366/7...nneling2vj.jpg
* when i faced this boss, i could not see his skill descriptions as he was using skills. am fah healers also have this problem. possible bug?
**update: after capping the skill, i found the boss only has the elite and no other skills.
- Ferndale (kurzick) -
shove: warrior
boss: tarnen the bully (dredge)
pic: http://img73.imageshack.us/img73/1750/shove5iy.jpg
mantra of recovery: mesmer
boss: mugra swiftspell (dredge)
plague signet: necromancer
boss: hargg plaguebinder (dredge)
signet of spirits: ritualist
boss: wagg spiritspeak (dredge)
pic: http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/6...spirits2zn.jpg
boon signet: monk
boss: mungri magicbox (dredge)
pic: http://img65.imageshack.us/img65/5846/boonsig7iq.jpg
- Drazatch Thicket (Kurzick) -
clamour of souls: ritualist.
boss: the pain eater (gaki)
pic: http://img157.imageshack.us/img157/4...ofsouls2cr.jpg
attuned was songkai: ritualist.
boss: the skill eater (gaki)
pic: http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/1...songkai0ku.jpg
icy veins: necromancer.
boss: bazzr icewing (mantis)
pic: http://img522.imageshack.us/img522/51/icyveins8tk.jpg
crippling anguish: mesmer
boss: bezzr wingstorm (mantis)
- Melandrus Hope (kurzick) -
healing light: monk
boss: bzzr wingmender (mantis)
pic: http://img136.imageshack.us/img136/5...allight3iu.jpg
locusts fury: assassin
boss: chkkr locust lord (mantis)
pic: http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/3...ustfury6az.jpg
spirit light weapon: ritualist
boss: chkkr brightclaw (mantis)
pic: http://img64.imageshack.us/img64/779...ghtweap9pk.jpg
*chkkr brightclaw actually never uses spirit light weapon. the min-max of spirit light weapon is 3..13.
spike trap: ranger
nundak the archer (dredge)
weaken knees: necromancer
rot foulbelly (wallow)
pic: http://img151.imageshack.us/img151/1...nknees26li.jpg
- Arborstone (explorable) (kurzick) -
spike trap: ranger
boss: ryvar mossplanter (warden)
forceful blow: warrior
boss: mahr stonebreaker (stone golem)
pic: http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/2...fulblow4ox.jpg
shield of regeneration: monk
boss: meril stoneweaver (stone golem)
shockwave: elementalist
boss: zarnas stonewrath (stone golem)
pic: http://img136.imageshack.us/img136/1...ockwave0yc.jpg
weaken knees: necromancer
boss: name pending (stone golem)
pic: http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/4...enknees7qo.jpg
- Morostav Trail - (kurzick)
shockwave: elementalist
boss: arbor earthcall
pic: http://img72.imageshack.us/img72/2388/shockwave28xz.jpg
- Archipelagos - (luxon)
blessed light: monk
boss: ssuns, blessed of dwayna (naga)
pic: http://img366.imageshack.us/img366/1...edlight1cg.jpg
grasping was kuurong: ritualist
boss: synn coiled grasp (naga)
pic: http://img366.imageshack.us/img366/1...ingwask0jf.jpg
energy drain: mesmer
boss: s'ska scalewand (naga)
*another boss that only has one skill (the elite) and never uses it.
- Maishang Hills - (luxon)
siphon strength: assassin
boss: ssaresh rattler (naga)
pic: http://img91.imageshack.us/img91/776...trength3ij.jpg
discord: necromancer
boss: sessk, woespreader
pic: http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/7513/discord6ol.jpg
*and yet another with only one skill, and doesnt use it ever.
- Silent Surf - (luxon)
ritual lord: ritualist
boss: whispering ritual lord (irukandji)
pic: http://img136.imageshack.us/img136/6...uallord7gf.jpg
gust: elementalist
boss: armadis, wind of the sea (luxon outcast)
pic: http://img214.imageshack.us/img214/9382/gust5wn.jpg
*another one with only one skill. at least he uses it, though
NOTE: its hard to tell exactly how many bosses there are in silent surf, because alot of the mobs attack eachother. if you find any more, add them if you can
- Gyala Hatchery (explorable) (luxon) -
sprint: warrior
boss: jaqui the reaver (luxon outcast)
echo: mesmer
boss: mohby windbeak (leviathan eye)
- Rhea's Crater - (luxon)
recurring insecurity: mesmer
boss: talous the mad (luxon outcast)
pic: http://img136.imageshack.us/img136/1...ecurity4tc.jpg
dark apostacy: assassin
boss: arius, the dark apostle (luxon outcast)
pic: http://img50.imageshack.us/img50/424...postacy1el.jpg
vengeful was khanhai: ritualist
boss: delic the vengeance seeker (luxon outcast)
pic: http://img73.imageshack.us/img73/425...fulwask3xl.jpg
healing burst: monk
boss: incetol, devout of depths (luxon outcast)
pic: http://img50.imageshack.us/img50/586...ngburst8xs.jpg
-Unknown Bosses-
cultists fervour: necromancer
(luxon outcast)
pic: http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/5...fervour8tx.jpg
glass arrows: ranger
pic: http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/3...sarrows4ts.jpg
enraged smash: warrior
pic: http://img396.imageshack.us/img396/6...edsmash8kj.jpg
order of apostacy: necromancer
pic: http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/6...faposty2wz.jpg
broadhead arrow: ranger
pic: http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/4...adarrow2lp.jpg
quickshot: ranger
(leviathan mouth)
pic: http://img219.imageshack.us/img219/2...ickshot5dg.jpg
second wind: elementalist
(rockhide dragon)
pic: http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/4...ondwind6ed.jpg
i think thats all the bosses that arent connected to quests. feel free to correct me, if im wrong.
submissions, revisions, and help welcome.
Factions Elite Skills: Boss/Skill Locations
umm yeah links no worky they just go to the imageshack homepage
Great compendium Zombie! Hope you can get your links to work!
Yep...you didnt post the full links, theyre shortened by the "..."
I've sent him off a PM
I complied a decent list of elites and bosses last weekend