Can I keep the skills?
Mage Henchnem
Has anyone been on since the end of the FPE to see if you get to use the new skills for the existing classes? (can I still use the new monk skills I unlocked?) I think it would be great if so, but I understand if they locked them back up, I spent about 30k faction this weekend, and I'm hoping that I can use some of those new skills before the end of the month!!!
Hella Good
New skills unlocked for your PvP characters will remain unlocked. Once Factions is out you will be able to enjoy them. New skillls that you got on your PvE Cantha character, will be deleted, along with any items, rewards, anything you have obtained during the FPE. You cannot use the skills unlocked on your PvP characters until you have a copy of the actual game.
Mage Henchnem
thats what I figured, I was just hoping to be able to use life sheath in the mean time, I love that skill.