Evaluation of new skills

Da Cebuano

Da Cebuano

Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2005

Virginia born in Cebu

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Oh man, they better fix 100 blades to have cyclone axe range and +dmg on att. Also signet of Str, I think that'll be a staple for axe dmg spikers.

Hella Good

Hella Good

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005

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Originally Posted by Da Cebuano
Oh man, they better fix 100 blades to have cyclone axe range and +dmg on att. Also signet of Str, I think that'll be a staple for axe dmg spikers.
Reminds me, I finally see a reason to bring Ignorance and the new skill Complicate. There really wasn't many dangerous sigs before. Yes, SoW and Heal Sig are quite good but taking a skill in the hopes of countering those specific two was kind of unjustified. Complicate, it seems, is going to be more often used than Ignorance, because of the universal interrupt and cheaper nrg cost. And I can only think of two sigs that might be hard to inter- Sig of Agony and the new Disruption Sig. I wonder if water eles are going to start bring Rust?



Wilds Pathfinder

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Originally Posted by Mysterial
Both of those spells are terrible. Lightning Orb is strictly better than Vapour Blade, which is saying something because Lightning Orb isn't good either. The implied conditional of Lightning Orb's projectile is more likely to work than Vapour Blade's enchantment one. Shatterstone is even more terrible - if you want to waste your elite on the bad "after 3 seconds" mechanic, take Lightning Surge - at least it knocks the enemy down. If they're going to split the damage in two parts, they should take advantage of that to make it do much more overall. Or they could stick a slowdown in with the 3 seconds duration, so it also helps out your team's Warriors a little.

The reason much of the new damage spells (and the few good ones) for Elementalists are PBAoE is because Arenanet is terrified of making the Elementalist a spiking machine, and you can't spike with PBAoE's because there's too much delay getting to and using them on your target, even with teleports (plus the possibility of missing running targets when you get there). Basically, they're turning the Elementalist into a Warrior because they apparently can't figure out how to make good ranged damage spells that can't be used for spike.
Hell i agree with you. But were elementalists ever meant to do what warrior was suppose to do ? should we become earth eles and start spamming for KEG HOLDER LFG!!! type BS? If so, why are armours and buffs are enchantments, and a warrior has stances? we should have been given stances so crap like mesmer and necro spells couldnt strip us. Why is ANET so afraid to give us our spiking power back? they have given other professions even better stuff to spike with, then why not eles? If they can't figure stuff out, i think it is a good time to start a competition of worth while spell ideas coming from actual people ? mind you, the exagerated ones can always be taken out of the list. so here goes the plan, call a new thread, ask for ideas from actual elemental players, and not other professions who never touched this class, and come up with some decent range spells.
Give us some of the power back, specialy when rest professions are definetly buffed up to a way new level. Hell, any one seen new damn elite flesh golem? kick ass huh? any one seen new DoubleDragon? need to throw it in garbage.
Our 60AL does not support the new set of elites for close range or what so ever. i am still sticking to my old skill set, works much better than the new ones. like i have said above in this thread, why the hammer of nerf on us ele's back always since sometime?
Going to start a new thread, will post a link here just for the sake. Nothing to do with the topic though.
A question out of blue, are we all just blabbering here? does ANET staff actually reads these huge threads and ever thought about taking so many ele player's opinions against their ideas of the new skills they are coming up with? just wondering now.




Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005


Slash Fail [ftl]


Originally Posted by Mysterial
Both of those spells are terrible. Lightning Orb is strictly better than Vapour Blade, which is saying something because Lightning Orb isn't good either. The implied conditional of Lightning Orb's projectile is more likely to work than Vapour Blade's enchantment one. Shatterstone is even more terrible - if you want to waste your elite on the bad "after 3 seconds" mechanic, take Lightning Surge - at least it knocks the enemy down. If they're going to split the damage in two parts, they should take advantage of that to make it do much more overall. Or they could stick a slowdown in with the 3 seconds duration, so it also helps out your team's Warriors a little.
Oh, I totally agree with you - talking from a hardcore PvPer's perspective, I would never take them into any serious form of PvP as there are far better spells out there.

What I was saying was that these skills are fun for general use - regardless of whether they are terrible or not - sorry if I confused you!



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

Quite Vulgar [FUN]

Originally Posted by audioaxes
i see healing light becoming the standard heal elite in HA, replacing woh

it gives a very nice unconditional heal and then the 3 energy return makes this too good to pass up. Even if you dont have a bonder, taint, or any other blanket enchants i still think this skill is worth taking with just aegis, seed, prot spirit, and channeled monks.
That 10e cost says no it won't be. Healing light will be used on 2nd monks more than a primary. Monks need their elite to be energy efficent which this spell is not.

You will not always remove a condition and hex or even 1 of those so its not worth the 10e and 7 recharge.

Hella Good

Hella Good

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005

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Originally Posted by twicky_kid
That 10e cost says no it won't be. Healing light will be used on 2nd monks more than a primary. Monks need their elite to be energy efficent which this spell is not.

You will not always remove a condition and hex or even 1 of those so its not worth the 10e and 7 recharge.
Healing Light:

Attribute: Healing Prayers
Type: Spell (Elite)
Energy Cost: 5
Activation Time: 1
Recharge Time: 4

Heal target ally for 40...88 Health. If your target has an Enchantment, you gain 1...3 Energy

I think you are thinking the wrong skill here.

By the way my vote goes for Life Sheath. I know it's a bit hard on the recharge but this skill is just wonderful anyway you look at it. I think it will become a pure proto monk favorite.

Life Sheath:

Attribute: Protection Prayers
Type: Enchantment Spell (Elite)
Energy Cost: 5
Activation Time: 1
Recharge Time: 7

For the next 20 seconds, the next 30...126 damage target ally would take is negated.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

Quite Vulgar [FUN]

Originally Posted by Hella Good
Healing Light:

Attribute: Healing Prayers
Type: Spell (Elite)
Energy Cost: 5
Activation Time: 1
Recharge Time: 4

Heal target ally for 40...88 Health. If your target has an Enchantment, you gain 1...3 Energy
Looks like I am. Was thinking of the spell that heals and removes 1 condition and 1 hex.

Its about the same as WoH. This will get you energy but will have to cast it more. Woh has more healing and faster cast. Seems like a draw to me.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

River Dancing

Eternal Treachery [TimE]


Life Sheath is a nice anti-spike skill, I wouldn't be surprised if it saw use but I doubt it will oust Mantra and the such for even die hard Prot monks. Its just going to eat your energy... especially when its being shattered/drained/etc... It won't be hard to get around this skill at all unfortunately. (It directly won't eat your energy, the lack of previously said elites will)

A group will call the spike, if enchantments start flying obviously so will their counters, in the end of the day its just not going to be worth the elite slot to replace the energy management.

Its the seven seconds that really hurt it, like I said it will get removed one way or another or it will slightly weaken the spike. Though I'd say 16 Domination Shatter Enchantment would render this skill void if it hits or not really. Even if it smacks a cover its going to free up the spike, sure saving 100 damage but still I doubt the spike really needed the shatter to kill its target.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006

Originally Posted by emopunky
New monk skills = awesome, the end.

New monk smiting skills = sux, the end....



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2005

In the preiview event,

Skills I like
aside from some previously mentioned
a skill capped a monk , noattribute elite.

Dont really recall what its name is. But it was used by the wingmender boss. The boss was outside the Kurzak conservatory, in a cave, on the cliffs facing the lake.

The skill removed one condition & one hex on both target other ally and the caster (thats two conditions and two hexes)The skill had a energy cost of 5, c asting time of 2 and recharge time of 10 ( i think)

The mesmers had a noattribute hex removal elite as well (but from the start)
but it removed two hexes for target ally.

they also had a fun fast antihex removal, revealed hex -it removed a hex on target ally, thus captured it (similar to skill cap) and thus it was possible to use the hex on target foe, for a time -until the revealed hex skill returned.

The rangers Barb spirit (causes bleeding on knockdown) was a killer combo together with knockdown skills. In the quest "wardens on march" the wardens used the spirit frequently together with lacerate and various knockdowns.

Guardian of the Light

Guardian of the Light

Forge Runner

Join Date: Sep 2005

Radicals Against Tyrants


Originally Posted by Roupe
The rangers Barb spirit (causes bleeding on knockdown) was a killer combo together with knockdown skills. In the quest "wardens on march" the wardens used the spirit frequently together with lacerate and various knockdowns.
Anyone thinking of KD AS?

Sofia Sofia Sofia

Sofia Sofia Sofia

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005

Ele spiking is hella different from physical damage spiking. Spells cannot be dodged, blocked or evaded.

But then again, there is that new elite necro order that removes one enchant per hit, can we say "Ranger spike FTW" (so much for prot magic).

So there will be a lot of spiking regardless. And the ele is still gimped, and warriors are still the kings of dealing out and taking damage...

Hella Good

Hella Good

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005

None, free and clear

Order of Apostasy is a great elite. I wouldn't say it's game-breaking though. Yes, it does remove chants and, yes, it is going to be an integral part of many 8v8 builds, but I think that it seems well-balanced. At 25 energy and the amount of health lost every time you remove a chant... it's not very spammable. I mean... I used it and it was fine and easy to manage and all but I felt it wasn't overbearing and imbalanced. We'll have to wait and see. It's definitely a skill to watch out for.

I think that certain kinds of spiking might endure in Factions (blood spike, for example) but others might become rare (obsidian spike). There are many new skills that are going to influence spiking, other than OoA: Life Sheath, Equinox- to name a few.